Hi was just looking for some advice. I am seriously thinking about doing my cat 2 licence within the next few months. I’m currently in a full time job taking home £230 a week for 40 hours which is just above minimum wage.i know in the long run it will pay off but for the first couple of years just want to get a bit more of an insight in what to expect.i would like to approach a few haulage companies to see weather they would allow me to be a drivers mate every other weekend to get a feel of the job (I would not expect payment for this).would like some advise really on weather this would help and what else I could do.
Thank you
You will take a while to get a return on investment and will have to work your way up. You will probably not earn much above what you are on now to start with and may have to start on agency with all that it entails.
If that does not bother you and you have the determination to get there then go for it.
Door knocking is key to getting work full time.
Best of luck
Hi thanks for the reply. Would it be possible to keep my current job once I pass my test and then just do every other Saturday on an agency,do you think an agency would let me do that and have the work available??
It is a possibility, but depends on how much work the agency has to offer.
Hi thanks for the reply. Would it be possible to keep my current job once I pass my test and then just do every other Saturday on an agency,do you think an agency would let me do that and have the work available??
A lot would depend on your location. Some areas have plenty of work and others have none
The return from the hgv license kicks in usually after you have 2 years class 1 under your belt. Imo
But for me its not only pay but I like the job too. Stacking shelves on pet food isle was just killing me. Now I drive on the a75, one of the most beautiful drives I ever experienced in UK
I’m in the wolverhampton area I’m not to bothered about the pay to start with I’d be happy if I could earn £10 per hour in say 5 years time though. What is the likely hood of that and do you think I could achieve that just with my class 2.
It’s achievable but not the norm. 10 quid an hour on class 1 is more like the norm.
The agencies will say anything to get another name on their books.Ask at haulage firms if they would give you a job with a new licence and if they have trouble filling vacancies.If you could get on with Royal Mail doing night shifts you would easily achieve £10.00 per hour.Remember there are lots of police and firemen all picking up odd shifts during their down time.Its really hard to get your first few drives.