Started My C+E training

Well i started my training, and i was a bit miffed about taking it in the flat bed initally, but will have the box tomorrow.

I was put around the smallest of islands and junctions i have ever seen in my life, and i could not believe it was possible to do it, but i did and it was awesome!

Still need to remember to not pull away in 7th ( does not want to do it)

And not ride the clutch ( doesnt like it).

But all in all i really enjoyed it and i am ( so my instructor andy says) doing very well indeed! :stuck_out_tongue:

My test is in Gloucester on Saturday which is daunting, but hey a road is a road no matter where it is.

So hey first day over and done with and smiles all around, got the reversing pad tomorrow and andy says he hopes i can go backwards as well as i have been going forwards! I do too :unamused:

Firebird is it 1 instructor too 1 trainee, with four hour lessons? How was you with the gear changing?

Yep it is 1 to 1 instruction, and the lessons are normally 4 hours although i am doing an 8 hour lesson tomorrow to break the back of the coupling- uncoupling, braking exercise and reversing.

My gear changing is normally ok, im driving a Daf with a 4 over 4 but today i kept trying to pull away in high range, and need to concentrate on my gears now i am feeling happier about the size of the vehicle.

My gear changing is normally ok, im driving a Daf with a 4 over 4 but today i kept trying to pull away in high range,

if its any consolation, you will ALWAYS do that now and again. just dont do it on your test

Well i hope you come too grips with it firebird - good luck

hope things go well for you mate :smiley:

Sounds like it’s going ok so far, good luck tomorrow.

Well today was a non ending Nighmare! why oh why have i done this :open_mouth:

Started off today driving the 45 ft twin axled Daf, i love the range change on the Daff! Good start.

Had to pull over shortly after starting as the bouncy seat was bouncing me so high my foot was coming off the gas (not ideal) could not get my self in a suitable position so just did the best i could without bouncing all over the place.

Went to the reversing pad,OMFG it took 1 hour before i could get past the rear cone without killing it, and everything else went wrong after that, i could not line up properly, could not get near the bay, i was getting very angry and frustrated with me ( i spat my dummy out and threw my teddy out the cot) i had a minor paddy and Andy my instructor suggested it may be time to have a lunch break ( good choice). :stuck_out_tongue:

Went back and started the coupling and uncoupling, winding legs up no probs, trailer brake no probs, hoses are a bit of a ■■■■■ but hey got it, just need to practice a few more times. :confused:

Back to the reversing, on the plus side i did manage to get the trailer into the box 3 times skewiff, but in the box. :unamused:

Therefore the outcome of the day, was chaos, frustration and disbelief of my lack ability. :blush:

Does not bode well for my test 08.45 on Saturday in Gloucester :cry:

Well today was a non ending Nighmare! why oh why have i done this :open_mouth:

I’ll bet that all these things happened to most of us. I’ll own up- it also happened to me! (And I needed two attempts :blush: )

You’ve been very honest about it though- RESPECT.

The good part is that IMHO, you’re no different to a lot of people at this stage of the training, and I’ll say there’s plenty of time to get the rest in order. It might seem very daunting at this stage, but please credit yourself with what you’ve achieved so far. TIP: take each day at a time, rather than trying to see over the horizon.

I’ll venture a guess and say that you’re probably not be as bad as you think. I’ll also venture that you have probably underestimated your own capacity for learning. For all you think you got wrong, you weren’t actually sent to the headmaster’s office :wink: So it wasn’t that bad in the end. Keep up the good work, you’ll be fine.

FB you need to find a way to chill :smiley: The more you get wound up about it the worse it goes. There aren’t many people who just “get it” straight away :blush: Some of us still have days like that :laughing:

The daf mirrors take a bit of getting used to IMHO as far as ending up straight with the trailer. I swap motors a bit and always end up “skewed” the first couple of reverses :blush: :blush:

On the air seat (which I also find tend to not be consistent as far as where it settle on the air) adjust the bounce shock absorber up a bit (next to the tilt if I remember rightly). Ask your instructor how to if unsure as it may help. Failing that better start stuffing the bacon butties down to provide a little errmm “ballast” like some of us are blessed with :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Relax, try not to over think it and it will start to click :smiley:

Good luck and keep us up to date :smiley:

Thanks Dave and MM, i am a bit of a perfectionist and like to get things right!, when you see the instructor doing it, and he explains what to do, and you do the same and it does nothing like what it is supposed to you get frustrated.

Also when you see your instructors face drop as if to say ! OMFG is she thick or what! didnt really instil much confidence, but he is a good instructor and he is confident he can progress me!

I am a brutally honest person, and i feel that maybe me writing what probs i have will help others realise they are not on there own, we all assume that we will pick it up quickly and when you dont, its makes you wonder why!.

I will take it day by day, i suppose the change of vehicles tipped the balance, having an awesome day in the flat bed made me think the artic would respond the same, but i want to drive artics, and want to become a professional driver and i will not give up! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks guys for all your support :smiley:

The seat should have a lock to stop it bouncing. Not that good for long distance but while you are on your test its ok.

I had the air on my seat fail while on test. I dropped 4 inches which was wierd driving like that.

Thanks Dave and MM, i am a bit of a perfectionist and like to get things right!, when you see the instructor doing it, and he explains what to do, and you do the same and it does nothing like what it is supposed to you get frustrated.

Yes, but he’s been doing it for years. You’ve clearly understood the principal involved, because you were able to get the truck in the box. So it wasn’t straight- so what, its only Tuesday. Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist, I’m the same type, but Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say.

Also when you see your instructors face drop as if to say ! OMFG is she thick or what! didnt really instil much confidence, but he is a good instructor and he is confident he can progress me!

My take on the instructor was that he’d maybe realised he might not have explained it quite right :wink: I wouldn’t ask though, cos that’s what he’d probably say :wink:

we all assume that we will pick it up quickly and when you dont, its makes you wonder why!.

You shouldn’t wonder, what you’ve just proved is that you’re human.

I will take it day by day, i suppose the change of vehicles tipped the balance, having an awesome day in the flat bed made me think the artic would respond the same, but i want to drive artics, and want to become a professional driver and i will not give up!

That’s the spirit. The artic was just as awesome, once you take into account that it bends. :wink: You’ll get used to it.

I cant that all of you enough, not only for listening to my worries and giving me comfort, but also for all your support in the infancy of what i hope to be an exciting new career!

Thankyou so much from the bottom of my heart :stuck_out_tongue:

hi firebird - on msn?

Don’t let it get you down Firebird, stay positive. A lot of the things you’ve said mirror my own experiences this last couple of days on my rigid training. Just as I start to get things right I make some stupid mistakes that take away confidence. But don’t quit, you know you can do it.

The encouraging posts made by you experienced members are really appreciated by me as well, and I’m sure all the other newbies.

Well today was a non ending Nighmare! why oh why have i done this :open_mouth:

Must admit I felt the same when I was learning to drive a truck, especially as I was only doing it for the hell of it and never planned to make a living out of it.

I’m now learning to fly a glider and have the same feeling about that on some flights. especially during the landing phase, so much to think about and only one chance to get it right and to close to the ground to make a mistake, :open_mouth: and you can’t pull over and have a think about it. :laughing:

Had to pull over shortly after starting as the bouncy seat was bouncing me so high my foot was coming off the gas (not ideal) could not get my self in a suitable position so just did the best i could without bouncing all over the place.

I bet it’s not easy driving in them boots? :laughing:

The reversing is a bit daunting at first.
I struggled with it a bit.
It’s like everything else in this world, the more you practice the better you will get at it.
Don’t let it get you down.
You will get there.

Day 3 somewhat better, was going to the reversing pad but there had been an accident with delays on the motorway, so we decided to go and have a look at Gloucester where i will be testing.

Not quite what i expected alot to confuse you and trip you up, alot of fail hazards, and we didnt get long there, only about an hour, but im hoping i will get there again as i dont think an hour is enough to feel comfortable, but we’ll see.

Motorway driving was easy, and i did improve on my road driving today, as it was my first real drive in the box on normal roads i am getting used to the size of the trailer and where the end of it is, (which is helpful) :laughing:

So all in all not a bad day! i will be reversing again tomorrow, fingers x’d i will be able to break the back of it :unamused:

It can only get better from here Firebird.
We all make ■■■■ ups at the start - thats why you take the course as we are not all born with the ability - we have to learn and thats what its all about.
I am sure you will be fine come test day.