Stafford services M6

North and Southbound and surrounding A roads .

Getting a problem with Drivers being attacked and Loads hijacked so just be aware of that .

I stopped there the other night for a break and a copper came upto me and let me know , they have put up signs and doing more frequent patrols .

Whilst on the subject of services over the past few months a few of our drivers and other companies have had their Diesel nicked at FLEET services mostly on the Southbound side as far as im aware.
Police are aware of it but so far have done ■■■■ all about it apart from issue crime numbers :unamused:

was there today and saw 2 signs very small warning drivers to be aware…I am now near witheringsea up north from me…its very cold out -2 and am parked up nice and warm and safe…with my Gf to keep me company and to beat up any would be thieves

was there today and saw 2 signs very small warning drivers to be aware…I am now near witheringsea up north from me…its very cold out -2 and am parked up nice and warm and safe…with my Gf to keep me company and to beat up any would be thieves


not at home pc yet for pics…