Stack reactivates

Looks like we’re back to square one again.

More chaos and misery for the people of Kent, not sure if they deserve it or not…

This will be a regular thing for next few weeks it might improve if dfds get there boats back on the crossing but cant see that happening any time soon as they have been wrecked by the striking seamen

This will be a regular thing for next few weeks it might improve if dfds get there boats back on the crossing but cant see that happening any time soon as they have been wrecked by the striking seamen

According to this they have restarted DFDS Dover to Calais. :smiley:

There own ship has but dover is still 3 ferries short on calais crossing these are the old myferry ships two of which are now in dfds ownership and the freighter which is still owned by euro tunnel the two dfds are in calais well was the other day both of which have been vandalised by the strike protesters they will need a check over b4 they are used again

From Wikipedia: DFDS staff reported that the MyFerryLink workers had reportedly destroyed safety and alarm systems on the ships and activated flotation and life-saving equipment, so as to make the ships unusable.

But the whole Wikipedia page about MyFerryLink is worth a read then decide for yourself who is to blame for this debacle!