St Georges Day

Happy St Georges Day to all the English drivers on here. :smiley:

Happy St Georges Day to all the English drivers on here. :smiley:

+1 :grimacing:


Happy St Georges Day to all the English drivers on here. :smiley:

+1 :grimacing:

Well at least there s two of us proud to be English :wink:

Its Friday, we have one every week :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
Its Friday, we have one every week :stuck_out_tongue:

Youve lost me there Wheel nut its once a year :exclamation: if its good enough for the paddies on St Patricks Day it should be the same for us :grimacing:

It`s about time this was made a bank holiday before some do-gooder tries to ban it for upsetting the immigrants. :imp:

English and proud of it, if you dont like it the airports are back open! Listening to all the so called patriotic music on the radio today got me thinking, seeing as our national anthem is so dull why dont somebody in power do something about it like changing it to summat like Jerusalem.

unless someone does something about all this immigration,in a few years there wont be a St Georges Day,and we will be too outnumbered to do much about it! :imp: :imp: :imp:

It`s about time this was made a bank holiday before some do-gooder tries to ban it for upsetting the immigrants. :imp:

English and proud of it, if you dont like it the airports are back open! Listening to all the so called patriotic music on the radio today got me thinking, seeing as our national anthem is so dull why dont somebody in power do something about it like changing it to summat like Jerusalem.

How do you get the bank holiday!!! if even on here they dont think its important :blush: . The good ole English ehh leave it for someone else! then moan we have all the immigrants :unamused: I live in Spain and respect there culture, so come on be PROUD to be ENGLISH… rant over :confused:

“Til, we have built Jerusalem in Englands green and pleasant land” :open_mouth:

Could be a wrong choice of Anthem

Because of the nationalism caused by football the old Genoan flag has gained notoriety.

I live in England a part of Great Britain and I prefer the combined flag. If it is good enough for the British Army, it is good enough for me!

Great Britain is a country full of immigrants. I am tolerant towards them as they tolerate me. We still look up to the Scandinavians

St Georges Flag was once the flag of someone who slayed dragons, he must have done a good job as there are none left, unfortunately the flag was corrupted by marauding religious nuts and political parties.

The other religious nuts were the ones who invaded the middle east during the crusades.

St George was also a martyr in Russia, Portugal and Sweden. The dragons were slain in Libya, Germany and Russia and I thought they were Welsh.

Thank you Hodgy67.

Shame he got beheaded for proclaiming Christianity.

Thank you Hodgy67.

Shame he got beheaded for proclaiming Christianity.

Ah Religion… The route of all evil

“land of hope and glory” happy St Georges day! :smiley:

Has anyone noticed the Irony of the posters locations?


St Petersburg.


and Devon :stuck_out_tongue:

Removal Boy could be autonomous with Senedh Kernow :laughing:

I was surprised this year by the amount of flags and stuff I saw on cars and houses, even people walking round with the flag wrapped round them. Its great why should we be ashamed to celebrate our national day. I think it should be a bank holiday and people should celebrate it like the Irish do. It was a beautiful day yesterday we should of all been sat out in the garden, with some English beef steak on the BBQ and a can of beer celebrating our country.

Big Brummie Macca:
I was surprised this year by the amount of flags and stuff I saw on cars and houses, even people walking round with the flag wrapped round them. Its great why should we be ashamed to celebrate our national day. I think it should be a bank holiday and people should celebrate it like the Irish do. It was a beautiful day yesterday we should of all been sat out in the garden, with some English beef steak on the BBQ and a can of beer celebrating our country.

Maybe because it’s a World Cup year so England flags are easy to get. :smiley: But it’s not the immigrants etc who stops St Georges day. It apathy from the English, because we don’t feel the need to celebrate our Englishness, whatever that means?
Maybe it’s so difficult to define Englishness without getting confused with being British, but it’s easier to define being Scottish, Welsh or Irish or Northern Irish, even though somebody from the Highlands of Scotland would probably have more in common with a somebody from Mid Wales or ■■■■■■■ than from Glagow.
As a nation have we really been English since 1066?

Also maybe why St Patricks day has become so big is because it’s a big commercial money spinner, no doubt helped by the fact that many Americans feel the need to have some Irish heritage. They don’t want to celebrate thier English heritage in the same way as Hollywood like to portray us villians who locked the Irish below decks and chucked babies off the Titanic so we could get to the life boats or bumbling upper class idiots who live in statly homes and castles.

I would like a new bank Hoilday, but in October, maybe Trafalger Day, 21 October or Agincourt Day, 25 October, of course to avoid upsetting the French we could have Battle of Hastings Day, 14 October.