Any drivers ever do springing from Padbourg Denmark,now that was differnt…Double manning with complete strangers, or even worse was doing a stint for Smits of HELLEBRON,Q- WHAT is the heavyest you have trasnsited swiss?
Well that went like a lead ballon ,Springer is what you are called by the DANES if you do not have a full time job and work for agencies… i doubted many would have done it a bit out of the norm but exsperance never the less…and the Transit of swiss is and can be 44 tons if you know how,any leads ?
Nice one Harry,better than most.the train,used to load powder/tank… we used the one from around the FRANKFURT area to the BRENNER i cannot for the life of me remmember the name of the drove .around the town and a narrow entrance to the yard,you got a sandwich and apple etc and a rush to get into the cabin car ,pull the blinds down and hope no one comes in i used to take my little small callor gas burner to brew up ,and soup in the qult.pillow you will know the crack .pleased i do not have to do it ever again…ROSENHIME something like that.
Used a train once,from Kohn to Munchen on my way to Greece in the middle of Winter -never again! You’re a prisoner in transit.
Yes ACH used to use the very same one every other weekend, however only one driver used to be allowed to use it he is now passed away a few years ago but he used it as a ■■■■ up…and used to get shunted out of the bunk ,well that was the story…,it was on the Avon-cosmetic run…, a good step forward for you to Graz,i never went out overland to GREECE ,we used to come back that way from Belgrade after tipping in Athens. Harry i am thinking you must have been a owner driver…
I was but not on the Greek run. That was sh-t trip money on a scab rate cut outfit.
OHH ok.i managed to avoid crap firms many times i was not a fully company man orentated ,but stuck them out untill something better ,or thought it better come along,basically as you know you knocked your pudding out for most euro firms with little reward.but kept going back for more.over the years i am owed about a years wages in upaid hours,but kept at it.kudos,!!i do not know, but it got me in the end…medicial unfit…not head ,body…
I was at a loose end and this hustler came round my house and begged me to do the trip. After getting burned by that cheapskate I always tried to go with big firms. I was the first driver on that pile of cr-p. Anglo Greek was the name of slimeball express and Oggy was the sh-t head that turned me over.
Ok Harry sounds as if you got stripped, hope you got your own back,dont know Oggy or Anglo Greek,sound like a roy rogers type firm…
Ok Harry sounds as if you got stripped, hope you got your own back,dont know Oggy or Anglo Greek,sound like a roy rogers type firm…
There you Peggy…viewtopic.php?f=35&t=41294
Should keep you busy for a while.