Spotted MR VAIN

0700 today, A5 eastbound at the lights by Pentalvers yard.

As he approached, my first thought was “ooohhhh, a mobile christmas tree” :open_mouth:
and then he came close enough for me to read the writing. :laughing:
Well, it was dark at the time. :exclamation:

not really spotted but had txt from mr v he is washing his lorry down in a hale storm mad or dedicated ■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Sorry Kate, can’t say i spotted you, unlike me not to spot a lady trucker, but like you said, it was dark.

RUPERT DUCK, I’m home indoors in the dry now and my pride and joy looks great. Sad? maybe. Who knows!

beleive me its miricle she spotted you :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Iv spotted you a couple times Mr V on the a14 kettering area last couple of weeks…i was already struggling with the glare of the sun then became totally blinded by the gleam off the truck! :slight_smile: keep up the good work looks good


Mr vain been seen everywhere in Brands Hatch even having a beer with TOMMY COOPER in local ale house

We aint exactly hard to miss realy - but I didn’t get a wave when I saw him going through the M1 roadworks a couple of weeks ago! :open_mouth: :sunglasses: :laughing: