I know it’s fun but don’t do it ! It’s illegal see
As a victim of a drive by splashing I can see the funny side although at the time was definately annoyed, not quite so annoyed as to call the police as I have better things to do.
Also with the amount of poor buggers I splashed in my youth this is just karma.
Must be some horrible stuff in that gutter water though.
Course I wouldnt do it now even if the nimbies deliberately stood by the puddle hoping to get a little moist.
I got caught like this many years ago when walking to the pub. I was amazed at quite how much water was actually thrown at me. I was soaked from head to toe & had to go home & change.
This still makes me laugh
Quality example of thinking of the children. Part of me was hoping that he would crash his car after though…
Maybe if the grids, gulley’s & gutters were maintained/cleaned out, then perhaps there wouldn’t be so much standing water ■■