Speeding fines to increase

By April 24th 2017, up by. 50 % .
Still won’t slow down the boat catchers .

Fines goes from 100% to 150% of weekly earning. (Says in radio this morn)

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


There’s no need to speed as long as the signage is clearly defined.
A weeks ban should be added along with the fine 10% of your income too, that way high earners don’t get off lightly

So it might slow the reps down ( a bit maybe ) , but will it stop some tipper drivers from overtaking other lorries on a single carriageway travelling at 50?

There’s no need to speed as long as the signage is clearly defined.
A weeks ban should be added along with the fine 10% of your income too, that way high earners don’t get off lightly

Didn’t take long for the holiest of the holiest to arrive.




There’s no need to speed as long as the signage is clearly defined.
A weeks ban should be added along with the fine 10% of your income too, that way high earners don’t get off lightly

Didn’t take long for the holiest of the holiest to arrive.



+1…where do they come from■■?

itl make absolutely no difference to anyones driving whatsoever ,just more cash for the coffers…
I know its been posted before,but heres how its done…only a short clip,but you need to watch it to the end for the full effect for attitude.


theres the holymoly brigade,then theres the rest of us… :smiley:


There’s no need to speed as long as the signage is clearly defined.
A weeks ban should be added along with the fine 10% of your income too, that way high earners don’t get off lightly

Didn’t take long for the holiest of the holiest to arrive.



So you think excessive speeding is ok then?

Fines goes from 100% to 150% of weekly earning. (Says in radio this morn)

At least I won’t end up paying over £100 if it happens :laughing:

But I bet footballers will still get off their tickets by using one of those ‘specialist’ solicitors… :imp:



There’s no need to speed as long as the signage is clearly defined.
A weeks ban should be added along with the fine 10% of your income too, that way high earners don’t get off lightly

Didn’t take long for the holiest of the holiest to arrive.



+1…where do they come from■■?

itl make absolutely no difference to anyones driving whatsoever ,just more cash for the coffers…
I know its been posted before,but heres how its done…only a short clip,but you need to watch it to the end for the full effect for attitude.


theres the holymoly brigade,then theres the rest of us… :smiley:

I’m in a company that monitors speeding and you get infringed if you do so . No need to speed

I’m in a company that monitors speeding and you get infringed if you do so . No need to speed

I can bet they’ll be fun to work for, big brothered up to the max. :unamused:

I’ll stick to getting the job done and seeing how many of you beige cardigan wearers’ mirrors I can take off :wink:


But I bet footballers will still get off their tickets by using one of those ‘specialist’ solicitors… :imp:

Possibly but you do hear every so often about millionaires in countries Switzerland and Scandinavia where they base fines on % of income.

A few years back when i lived in Germany, they would fine you and ban you for a month as well. Not sure if it still happens of there but should cone in over here as well.

Fines goes from 100% to 150% of weekly earning. (Says in radio this morn)

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Surely in breach of article 7 European Law on Human Rights.

Now I have little sympathy with people who pay this voluntary tax, but surely this is just further evidence that it’s more about raising money than road safety.

But I bet footballers will still get off their tickets by using one of those ‘specialist’ solicitors… :imp:

Speeding fines are already calculated on take home pay as are drink drive fines. The specialist solicitor might get them off a ban, but now they’ll be paying a fine that will hurt them as much as an everyday worker. Although I think if you’re on £300k a week £450k isn’t going to cause you to shed too many tears in the scheme of things

Fat Controller:

But I bet footballers will still get off their tickets by using one of those ‘specialist’ solicitors… :imp:

Speeding fines are already calculated on take home pay as are drink drive fines. The specialist solicitor might get them off a ban, but now they’ll be paying a fine that will hurt them as much as an everyday worker. Although I think if you’re on £300k a week £450k isn’t going to cause you to shed too many tears in the scheme of things

The fines are going to be capped at a max of £1000, so it’ll hurt your pro footy player even less.




There’s no need to speed as long as the signage is clearly defined.
A weeks ban should be added along with the fine 10% of your income too, that way high earners don’t get off lightly

Didn’t take long for the holiest of the holiest to arrive.



+1…where do they come from■■?

itl make absolutely no difference to anyones driving whatsoever ,just more cash for the coffers…
I know its been posted before,but heres how its done…only a short clip,but you need to watch it to the end for the full effect for attitude.


theres the holymoly brigade,then theres the rest of us… :smiley:

I’m in a company that monitors speeding and you get infringed if you do so . No need to speed

Not a case of ‘no need to speed’ though is it. Your company like many big corporate companies has probably set the limiter to plobbing speeds so theres no option anyway. As DD999 says, it wont make a jot of difference re speeding especially if the boat departure is the target and the limiter is set at a non plobbing rate…