
m.theatlantic.com/technology/arc … ur/273140/

Anyone come across this fella.

Dip the clutch let it blow if its manual.

Turn it off so it dies then switch the ignition back in to the first position so he won’t loose steering.

Take the limiter off a truck and get in front if it and steadily slow it down. Probably need a V8 for that one :laughing:

Why didnt he just turn it off :unamused:

I dont believe any french crap will do 125 mph :laughing: :laughing:

Got to love French electrics! They make Alfa Romeo look reliable lol

Wasnt there a truck driver who did the same thing

Yeah just turn it off, clever driver eh? Sitting there hanging on for dear life - what a knob! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

nearly there:
Wasnt there a truck driver who did the same thing

Yes, from memory,it was about 15 years ago & he was travelling south on the M1 towards London & he rang the Old Bill stating that his Cruise Control had stuck on at 56 & he could’nt stop as his breaks were shot, I think he ran it up the Armco Barrier in the end. Think it was mentioned that he had ‘Münchausen syndrome by proxy’ where you exaggerate/fabricate stories to get attention.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnch … e_by_proxy
Heres the story in the papers- news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/368677.stm
found it on an old Topic on here viewtopic.php?f=2&t=45561&hilit=runaway


nearly there:
Wasnt there a truck driver who did the same thing

Yes, from memory,it was about 15 years ago & he was travelling south on the M1 towards London & he rang the Old Bill stating that his Cruise Control had stuck on at 56 & he could’nt stop as his breaks were shot, I think he ran it up the Armco Barrier in the end. Think it was mentioned that he had ‘Münchausen syndrome by proxy’ where you exaggerate/fabricate stories to get attention.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnch … e_by_proxy
Heres the story in the papers- news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/368677.stm
found it on an old Topic on here viewtopic.php?f=2&t=45561&hilit=runaway

IIRC, the truck driver was doing quite a bit more than 56 :wink:

Why didnt he just turn it off :unamused:

Not an option on many “keyless” modern cars - the “key” is only needed to start the engine (which you do by pressing a button, not turning a key). Thereafter, the thing runs until you press the button again to stop it. But if the computer ignores said button press… Sadly there is no reset button on the dash, nor is there a keypad so you can hold down Ctrl-Alt-Delete to force a reboot.

Why didnt he just turn it off :unamused:

It being a Renault it might have one of those stupid card keys and a starter button. If it doesn’t want to switch off it won’t.

Beat me to it.


Why didnt he just turn it off :unamused:

It being a Renault it might have one of those stupid card keys and a starter button. If it doesn’t want to switch off it won’t.

Gimicky, pointless junk. Why car manufacturers are insisting on ftting rubbish like this is beyond me.
Even the VW version with its push-in thing is about as reliable as a babys arse. :unamused:



Why didnt he just turn it off :unamused:

It being a Renault it might have one of those stupid card keys and a starter button. If it doesn’t want to switch off it won’t.

Gimicky, pointless junk. Why car manufacturers are insisting on ftting rubbish like this is beyond me.
Even the VW version with its push-in thing is about as reliable as a babys arse. :unamused:

It makes me laugh when I think about Renault card keys. The early ones had a hole in them so you could clip them to a key ring, great idea except they put the hole at the end that gets pushed into the dash, the WRONG END. The dealers were quickly issued with leather card pouches to give to the muggs who had bought the French junk.

The early Renault keycards had no hole at all. Having the hole at the wrong end was an intermediate step until they finally got it right. Of course, by that time they had changed the system so you didn’t even have to put the key in a slot at all - as long as you had it somewhere about you, the doors could be opened and the engine started. But this meant you could leave it on the roof while you loaded the shopping etc, then drive off (with the key still on the roof). Then next time you stopped the engine, you could find yourself with no way of re-starting it (or of locking the car while you returned home by bus to get your spare key…)

What it doesn’t mention in this article is that the man is disable and the car had been converted to hand controls and it is thought that some thing to do with conversion went wrong, or so I read some where.

The guy sounds a wally. The car ran out of fuel, then he put it in a ditch. Did he think it would get going again?

What it doesn’t mention in this article is that the man is disable and the car had been converted to hand controls and it is thought that some thing to do with conversion went wrong, or so I read some where.

That’s what I read too. Though even if it was, I fail to understand why he couldn’t have simply put it into neutral and let it rev itself to death, assuming it was an automatic as most disabled conversions are.

Some automatics are a bit “clever” and even if you move the lever will not actually select Neutral while you still have your foot on the gas pedal.