Speed Limiters


A question for all those entrusted with a Trailer behind them!

It’s now very common to see Trailers displaying signs such as “This vehicle is limited to 52mph” and even a couple saying “Maximum Limited Speed 50mph”.

Do the Trailers themselves prevent you from (somehow) going above the quoted speed limit? If so, how on earth does it manage that?!

While I’m here talking about Limiters, I’ve heard quotes from various Truckers saying that depending on where they get their Truck serviced or has the unfortunate luck to end-up following a breakdown, their Truck sometimes comes back with its Limited adjusted…any truth in this?

I notice all MANs have their limiters set to 53mph (85km/h) as standard across the board, can you ask for it to be altered to 56mph or don’t you have any choice? Has this put other people off from buying MAN trucks so that they can go full whack?

Finally, why can Buses and Coaches travel at 62mph (100km/h) yet Trucks can only do 56mph (90km/h)? I’ve never understood this, surely they should all do the same??


the trailer has no bearing on the units limit.
yes you can get the limiter altered to whatever speed you want, if you are willing to part with some cash.
apparently it was some sort of agreement with the rha, government, and coach opperators to have a different limit for coaches and trucks, to keep them seperate.
but i would have thought it would be more sensible to have a lower limit for something carrying people and a higher limit for something which isn’t so delicate like food.

Drove a new Man on a 04 plate, it was set at 89kph.When it went for a service, i defected the window- mirror adjustment controls as they were playing up.Main dealer replaced the gubbins in the drivers door and the truck came back set at 91 kph - result :laughing:
I know that an increase of 2 kph might seem like Fanny Adams but when 4 of us used to run convoy in “identical” motors the other drivers couldnt understand how i could catch them up or leave them behind. I told them it was my superior driving style :laughing:

you have got me living in hope now.
for two years i have been driving about at 52 mph,my unit has just gone in for a two year tacho,and head gasket,im now hoping it comes back doing 56mph.
but alas,if i fell in a barrel of ladys ■■■■■■■,i"d still come out sucking my thumb.! :grimacing:

Place i was out at awhile ago their trucks where knocked down to 50mph for awhile to improve fuel economy, it didn’t because the Volvos they were using were pulling near maximum weight and didn’t like to go into 12th gear if there was even the slightest hint of a hill ended up using slightly more fuel and the company having to pay out more OT.

They were put back to 56mph some musta been done when the tyres were pretty worn away because no set of tyres they went really nice, went past most things on the mway.

Company I work for now had there trucks restricted back to 52mph, to save fuel… I think it does work but christ it’s so boring. Mine has slowly crept back up to about 53.5mph and that .5 make’s all the difference - I know I have been told.

Am I right the legal limit for the limiters to be set at now is 54mph and not 56mph. But not to worry soon it will be 50mph or even less. This country is going backwards not forwards. The maximum speed for LGV is 60mph on Motorway yet we can’t do it because we are limited to between 50 - 56mph… Well unless you are from Paddy decendents!!!


Think it depends on the truck and the transmission.

In the Volvos we were running they were FH440 and the gearing seemed different anyways, i think sitting at 55mph was sitting about 1350rpm compared to other trucks sitting about 1400-1450 at 55mph.

When they droped them to 50mph flat out the revs were too low to get up even slight hills when running at 40+tons, so the autobox was constantly droping into 11th gear. It ended up using more fuel so no savings.

Done some shifts for Sainbury’s and they knocked back the limiters as well, they claim they are saving on fuel. But also means if you do a trunk for them from East Kilbride to Haydock involves two 45min breaks and going over 9 hours driving which doesent make much sense to me. Means you can’t have a constant driver doing that run 5 nights a week, always gotta be chopping and changing.

Plus as well doing a night trunk its soul destroying sitting at 50-52mph, makes it a much longer night.

It’s now very common to see Trailers displaying signs such as “This vehicle is limited to 52mph” and even a couple saying “Maximum Limited Speed 50mph”.

the reason is that you can not see the truck and therefore the signs gos on the trailer :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Container Boy 2009:
Am I right the legal limit for the limiters to be set at now is 54mph and not 56mph



Nope, Speed Limiters for Trucks are still to remain at 90km/h (56mph)…I’m pretty sure that if it was to be lowered that A LOT of publicity would be generated from it!

Interesting to hear about Sainsbury’s knocking its units down to 50mph (80km/h), that does make a hell of a difference in getting the job done, or as the case usually is, NOT done! They tend to forget that drivers hours have no flexibility for how fast you’re allowed to go…so in the end does it really save money? It might save fuel, but sometimes cutting costs increases other costs that are never taken into consideration.

Car drivers seem to be quite happy that Truckers are limited, funny though that the minute you mention limiters for cars they all go defensive! Unfortunately that sums ‘Car Drivers’ up.


I wouldnt be surprised if in the future the speed limiters were lowered to 80kmph for all trucks, i could see the EU doing claiming it will reduce emissions.

Infact when they start to roll out hardshoulder running more widespread across the UK motorway network, and if they are controlled like the M42 with speed cameras i can see the speed limit for everyone being 50mph on large stretches of motorways in daylight hours.

The Lyonator:
I notice all MANs have their limiters set to 53mph (85km/h) as standard across the board, can you ask for it to be altered to 56mph or don’t you have any choice? Has this put other people off from buying MAN trucks so that they can go full whack?

the one i had yesterday had a sticker saying limited to 85 KM/H but it still sat at just over 55 mph. all of tradimars MANs (2 x TGAs, several TGXs) are 08 plates and sit at 55/56 mph

tesco drivers sit at 50 but their trucks arent limited to 50 as any agency driver will confirm :smiling_imp:

The Lyonator:
I notice all MANs have their limiters set to 53mph (85km/h) as standard across the board, can you ask for it to be altered to 56mph or don’t you have any choice? Has this put other people off from buying MAN trucks so that they can go full whack?

The 2 ERF badged MANs at my work have the sticker saying 85km/h but sit at 90

Don’t most of the stickers say 85kmph isnt that what the speed limiter is supposed to be set at 85kmph but there is a tollerance of 5kmph so its read by everyone it can be limited to 90kmph.

Who sets the speed limiter in the first place is it the place where the truck is assembled or is it the dealer who sells the truck ■■?

Just wondered because few big places ive worked like DHL in Bellshill have a load of trucks, can do one run with a set of Volvo’s all from Birmingham area 08’s plates and all doing about 55mph on the satnav, then maybe do another contract same trucks from a different area same age and they are all doing 53mph yet again claim to be doing 90kmph.

Don’t most of the stickers say 85kmph isnt that what the speed limiter is supposed to be set at 85kmph but there is a tollerance of 5kmph so its read by everyone it can be limited to 90kmph.

I think that you are correct there. The 7.5t that i sometimes drive says its set to 85kmph but it is actually limited to 90kmph. Normally when lightly loaded or empty i cruise at 88kmph which gives me 2kmph if i need it.

…and if they are controlled like the M42 with speed cameras i can see the speed limit for everyone being 50mph on large stretches of motorways in daylight hours.

And at night, you’ll be limited to 20MPH cos all the signs are set, :laughing:

Did they ever sort that out■■?

is that a joke about the trailers!!■■

Most trucks come set at 54mph (85kph) its is possible if you are quite lucky to get it lifted to 56ish mph. Most people think they are going faster than they really are and when the scots or paddys fly past them its not cos they are doing 60 mph they are probably only doing 56-58mph. due to EU regs and digi tachos i doubt the majority of trucks do any more than 55mph apart from a few who are fortunate enough to be able pass people at 56+mph