Speed Limit on single carriageway roads

Please all go to this petition
i found this petition on the web today i could not believe how few people had signed it
40mph on single carriageway roads is so dangerous in this day and age it causes frustration from
the cars and coaches that cannot get past. The 40mph limit was brought in when trucks had cable brakes not the hi tec stuff we drive today air brakes and anti lock disc brakes. This is my first post on this site.I hope some of you agree with me.
if you do please sign this petition @ http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/3364
many thanks tony


It will never happen because truckers will not stick together and Govt is not bothered

The way to do it would be for all truckers to rigidly stick to 40 on SCs and then use the car drivers to change things but that will not happen



Doing 40 mph on a single carriageway road is most certainly not dangerous.
It might be dull for the driver and frustrating for others who wish to overtake.

Unfortunately, raising the limit, I assume to 50 mph, would then put lorries on a par with cars
and I rather think would make the car driver even more frustrated.
The car driver will still want to be past but, unless he is prepared to break his own speed limit,
will only have a 10 mph differential to play with.

Personally, I am no saint and may well have occasionally exceeded 40 mph :unamused:
The whole point about speed is that it should be appropriate for the road and conditions,
let’s face it, in some places 40 mph is far too fast.

I think it works well enough as it is.
Yes, brakes and tyres have improved no end but these days you have to stop up to 44 tonnes,
not 30 or 32 tons.
By the way, in the days of cable operated brakes, which I do not remember, I rather think the speed limit was 20 mph.

I see that there has been a post while I was typing this one.
I will guess that NTSA is something to do with this has been covered before.
I haven’t been a member of this forum since time began, like some have, so I beg leave to offer my opinion.


Personally I think 40mph is to slow . And 50mph is just about right BUT you need to drive to the conditions ! The speed is slow and causes cars to try overtake on some in safe areas .

There are stretches of single lane carriageway that are perfectly safe to drive a truck at fifty on but by no means all. There are plenty of places where forty is genuinely the safest maximum speed so a national speed limit increase couldn’t possibly be safer than the current forty limit and the sole reason to limit speed is safety.

Not This Stuff Again, according to Google.

I see that there has been a post while I was typing this one.
I will guess that NTSA is something to do with this has been covered before.
I haven’t been a member of this forum since time began, like some have, so I beg leave to offer my opinion.


It was mote a reference to the gov petition thing rather than the topic. There have been many petitions asking for a raise in the limit and they don’t work.

I agree with your opinon on the subject.

baby seal:
Not This Stuff Again, according to Google.

Not quite. Different S word. :wink:

Ha ha, got it, silly me, I mean subject!

the speed limit is low
just like a drivers wages
more speed more money end of

the speed limit is low
just like a drivers wages
more speed less money end of

Fixed that for ya…

you have more chance of plaiting fog than getting a speed limit raised . in fact the s/c limit is steadily being whittled down to 50mph by our elf and safety obsessed county councils , along with those stupid rumble strips which prevent you from braking safely before a hazard .

baby seal:
Ha ha, got it, silly me, I mean subject!

Crap. :wink:

Please all go to this petition
i found this petition on the web today i could not believe how few people had signed it

Ha ha ha !! :smiley: So you’re next thought was… "i know who’ll sign this "!!!
Have another petition to stop us reversing too, because its dangerous for us and we can’t see and other motorists get frustrated waiting for us to do it !!! :laughing:


  • [zb] 1. :unamused:

Please all go to this petition
i found this petition on the web today i could not believe how few people had signed it
40mph on single carriageway roads is so dangerous in this day and age it causes frustration from
the cars and coaches that cannot get past. The 40mph limit was brought in when trucks had cable brakes not the hi tec stuff we drive today air brakes and anti lock disc brakes. This is my first post on this site.I hope some of you agree with me.
if you do please sign this petition @ http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/3364
many thanks tony

Sorry 40 MPH is just fine thanks.

Perhaps the way forward is civil disobediance with the 40 limit; Just ignore it and do 45-50 where appropriate (and when you’re not being tracked by a H&S obsessed manager). Even vosa couldn’t get around to punishing everybody for doing it…
I’m in favour of upping the limit as the current one is snooze inducing on cruise control for miles on on end, but I signed the petition and it deleted what I’d put and couldn’t be arsed with typing it all again.

11 signatures just another 99,989 signatures to trigger a debate in parliament :smiley:

40mph is brutal im paid hourly so its in my best interests to do 40mph but it is brutal :neutral_face:

The giddy heights of 43mph is fast enough for me thanks.

lee mc67:

Please all go to this petition
i found this petition on the web today i could not believe how few people had signed it
40mph on single carriageway roads is so dangerous in this day and age it causes frustration from
the cars and coaches that cannot get past. The 40mph limit was brought in when trucks had cable brakes not the hi tec stuff we drive today air brakes and anti lock disc brakes. This is my first post on this site.I hope some of you agree with me.
if you do please sign this petition @ http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/3364
many thanks tony

Sorry 40 MPH is just fine thanks.

+1 - fine for me too, if the limit was higher, they’d EXPECT us to go faster, sod that, I’m happy to plod along with a little in reserve for if I’ve made a ■■■■-up and don’t want them to notice :wink: