Speed limit increase 6th April

A mate of mine owns a franchise and received this letter, 40 limit is now increased to 50 mph on single carriageways :smiley: on the 6th of April 2015

Happy days

No never I wouldn’t have thought it :open_mouth:
Come on where have you been there’s been threads on this running for age’s… Keep up.

You’ll be telling us that digital tachographs are going to be retro fitted next…


What sat nav should I get?

Well. Only tryna be helpful, I don’t troll these pages 24/7 unlike some so excuse me if I post something that has already been covered!

Enjoy your day :smiley:

There’s plenty of folks wont know and those that knew it was coming probably didn’t know the date.

So thankyou Routy.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Happy days in England!
That’s weird to me. One country different speed limits. Loads of drivers going up and down the isle. Say you’re going up the road. M6-M74-M73-M80-M9 then dual A9 with average speed cameras.
How much tickets driver may get on 27 mile stretch? :smiley:

So trucks can now do 60mph on dual carriageways, but still have to be limited to 56mph?

So trucks can now do 60mph on dual carriageways, but still have to be limited to 56mph?

Yes, as is already the case on motorways. So, if you’re going down a hill and the weight pushes the truck over 56mph, you’re not speeding (whatever the tacho says) until you hit 60mph.