These are only guidelines and not legally binding, so technically can get done for 31mph in a 30.
Not all speedo are correct
so 10 per cent plus 2 mph is the agreed tolance level
So what are mobile speed van set to before you are issued with a speeding notice.
Never heard of a tolance level before but if you are over the limit you can be given a ticket.Mobile speed vans are the same as fixed cameras.It is up to the individual police force.
I know quite a few being done at 2 or 3 mph over the limit.
As Rog says easier and safer to stick to the limit as any professional would.
Lord Allen of Abbeydale asked Her Majesty’s Government:
Whether, in the light of the increasing importance of speed limits, they have any plans to make it easier for the private motorist to have his speedometer tested for accuracy.[HL839]
Lord Whitty: The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, as amended, allows the use of speedometers that meet the requirements of EC Community Directive 75/443(97/39) or ECE Regulation 39. Both the EC Directive and the ECE Regulation lay down accuracy requirements to be applied at the time of vehicle approval for speedometers. These requirements are that the indicated speed must not be more than 10 per cent of the true speed plus 4 km/h. In production, however, a slightly different tolerance of 5 per cent plus 10 km/h is applied. The requirements are also that the indicated speed must never be less than the true speed.
A vehicle meeting these requirements would not be able to travel at a greater speed than that shown on the speedometer and a driver could not, therefore, inadvertently exceed speed restrictions. Her Majesty’s Government have no plans to introduce instrument tests.