Speed cameras again

I’ve often wondered about speed cameras which are left in position after roadworks - whether they’re still possible to be made ‘live’ if someone feels in the mood.
Example I’m thinking of is on the M69 at the A5/Hinckley split, just south of the junction (j1). There’s a farm bridge with speed cameras in both directions - been there for a number of years now - It’s a fast motorway anyway, cars regularly at 90+mph, makes me wonder every time I pass by them.

anything could be done if they felt like it.

To get convictions they’d need to ensure they complied with the signage and visibility rules.

Often they’re just empty shells left there as a deterent.

When they put specs ones at road works you’ll notice they’re normally in 3’s. you’d need a pair to compare the average speed so the 3rd one is in my opinion normally a dummy, often given away by the lack of any power supply or cabling :wink: