Hi. Approached a speed camera van over a brow of a hill at 50 on a road (A34 Northampton) that limits trucks to 40 today.
OOps. Just wondered if im guaranteed to be done as cars can still do 60, as i suppose it knows im a lorry or the bloke in the van presses a ‘gotcha’ button.
Just wondered roughly how long ill have to wait to know for sure if anyones got any ideas ?
It depends. You might be lucky. Sometimes they just set it a few mph above the limit for cars and the equipment automatically catches them and records the vehicle rego while they’re eating their sarnies or whatever, but other times they specifically target wagons …
Just keep every part of your anatomy crossed and hope for the best .
pretty much what i was hoping. Been a baaaad day today. Sat on M6 sth waiting to leave for A14 when a glance in miror revealed a ■■■■■■ van torpedo a truck behind me. seemed strange as id been nearly stationary for at least a minute and the queue usually builds up pretty quickly.He was either trying to cut into the queue as people insist on doing or just not concentrating. Driver seemed fine and was out moaning about hazard lights but his passenger was not well at all, only a youngish lad, and was trapped and bleeding heavily.
I called the services and later heard that air ambulance was needed.
Thats been on my mind as well.
If I remember correctly,the rozzers,errr,police,have 14 days to issue a Notice of Intended Prosecution,(NIP) in order to nail you.That’s not to say it will land on your doormat the next day.It could take a while longer.
So you have at least 14 days to sweat it out.
You too?
As I was cycling home from work today I came across an RTC - from the little I saw (I was busy concentrating on other things, as mentioned below), it looked like pedestrian vs car, and various moaning noises suggested it was serious. An ambulance was already in attendance when I arrived.
Since the road was almost blocked, it was causing a bit of trouble, so I stopped and directed traffic until the boys in blue arrived, at which point the ambulance was ready to leave, so they all drove off, with the police having directed traffic for all of about 30 seconds…
The court has to send a Notice of intended prosecution to the registered owner of the vehicle within 14 days but sometimes the owner/registered keeper is a leasing company/holding company and the actual operator the company you are driving for will not get the notice for a while longer as the aforementioned have 28 days to respond to the N.I.P. so don’t think you are in the clear after 14 days. They are also allowed a couple of days for postage so it could be a while I know i’ve been there and got the points to prove it Doh!!!
If I remember correctly,the rozzers,errr,police,have 14 days to issue a Notice of Intended Prosecution,(NIP) in order to nail you.That’s not to say it will land on your doormat the next day.It could take a while longer.So you have at least 14 days to sweat it out.
i think its now 6 months.
jessicas dad:
If I remember correctly,the rozzers,errr,police,have 14 days to issue a Notice of Intended Prosecution,(NIP) in order to nail you.That’s not to say it will land on your doormat the next day.It could take a while longer.So you have at least 14 days to sweat it out.
i think its now 6 months.
They have up to 6 months to prosecute you, the NIP still has to be issued within 14 days.
Yes. 10 years ago I received my NIP straight away but then it was just over 5 months before I received the summons from court. If you were a sensible amount over the speed limit then you’ll just get 3 points and £60 fine but if you were hammering it like I was (over double the speed limit) then they won’t do anything (the plod) and will refer it to court.
straying slightly from original post… BUT
i got flashed 3 weeks ago bit of dual carraigway leading to runcorn bridge, from m56…
i was on the limiter, bout 59/60 ish.hands up i dunnit ocifer…
thing is, i left company same week, and have moved house aswell. now will they trace me through wotever means, will the ticket lie in wait for me should i ever get pulled, i;e your wanted sonny for speeding.?
or will my luck have changed and ive got orf with it. …
28 december 2004 .Caught doing 57 in a 50 zone…
Replied to 2 NIPS…Heard nothing yet.
The six month time limit.Does it apply from the date of the offence or the date of the court sending the letter??
wondering if he got away with it
If it were me, I’d play deaf. If you give it long enough, they DO go away because they get fed up of trying to track you down, I know this from experience by the way but it was a good few years - 3 iirc.
However, if you’ve left a forwarding address with the company (last wage slip etc… ) then they it come backto haunt you for sure.
Just make sure you stay out of trouble with the plod and don’t claim dole or anything like that because they use that kind of thing to track you down more than you’d probably realise.
Rob K:
If it were me, I’d play deaf. If you give it long enough, they DO go away because they get fed up of trying to track you down, I know this from experience by the way but it was a good few years - 3 iirc.However, if you’ve left a forwarding address with the company (last wage slip etc… ) then they it come backto haunt you for sure.
Just make sure you stay out of trouble with the plod and don’t claim dole or anything like that because they use that kind of thing to track you down more than you’d probably realise.
cheers rob, i didnt leave forwarding address, as i left two weeks b4 move…
so ive just got to stay out of there way for a while.fingers crossed…
If I remember correctly,the rozzers,errr,police,have 14 days to issue a Notice of Intended Prosecution,(NIP) in order to nail you.That’s not to say it will land on your doormat the next day.It could take a while longer.So you have at least 14 days to sweat it out.
And if you are really unlucky like me, the snail mail will lose the NIP and the first you will here is the summons landing on the doormat with an additional charge of failing to provide the drivers details.
I argued the extra charge which was dropped (not in the public’s interest to proceed with the prosecution) but it cost me an extra point on my licence and £55 in fines and costs cos it reached court.
never mind, the points come off in a couple of months
straying slightly from original post… BUTi got flashed 3 weeks ago bit of dual carraigway leading to runcorn bridge, from m56…
i was on the limiter, bout 59/60 ish.hands up i dunnit ocifer…
thing is, i left company same week, and have moved house aswell. now will they trace me through wotever means, will the ticket lie in wait for me should i ever get pulled, i;e your wanted sonny for speeding.?
i got flashed by one of those that face you. it was just gone midnight on the a road from kettering to wellingboro i was half asleep so you can imagine the picture of me suddenly flashed awake.
anyway for the best bit… as im on agency when i got back i didnt hand in any timesheets for the company just got my own signed and chucked away my tacho the company i was at you just get a set of keys for the lorry form security so im hoping they wont know who it was especalliy as they have different agency im every day.
also all the lorrys are on hire so ticket will go there first then to company then they will have to find the right agency then the right driver and on recept i will chuck it away. that was 4 weeks ago and i havent heard anything yet.
jessicas dad:
i got flashed by one of those that face you.
Was it one of those pink eye Truvelo ones Do they produce a visible flash after all then
I thought those ones didn’t produce a visible flash as per Gatso’s for health & Safety reasons
Edit: There again, it probably was a Gatso now that I actually think about it :cough: