Speed camera detectors

your both wrong tax avoidance is like any other crime its only illegal when you get caught :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

I like how you said “WHEN”, not “IF”.

The taxman will get you in the end!

A major freeway that I use regulary has had their cameras turned OFF,They were found to be giving false readings-old Nissan cars doing 180 km/h as well as trucks doing 165 km/h up a hill etc.The period,over 6 months ,that the cameras were inoperative you would never guess the accident/casualty/fatality rate since the cameras went off?
A resounding huge drop in all crashes,with NIL fatal accidents on the 30 klm stretch of previously camera overlapping every 5 k site.
The brown stuff coming out of Transport Ministers propaganda is laughable in"Speed cameras save lives"etc etc .
A serious footnote to this is that the cameras are recallibrated and will be shortly switched back on,date of course is a secret,and last saturday a passanger van rolled over,skid marks and debris suggesting he has noticed the camera site,slammed on the anchors and been hit.Tonight coming home,debris all over road at EXACTLY the same spot…

I heard a tale, true or myth I dont know, a copper bored zapping cars with his handheld saw a fighter jet flying nearby and zapped that. The planes electronics warfair kicked in sent a beam back and burnt out his radar.
Now if only I could get that kit fit to my truck… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

no they shouldn’t be banned but saying that they still don’t tell you if a speed camera is set to detect trucks within the speed limit for the road but above the limit for the truck.
speed cameras that are set to detect speeding trucks should be banned, speeding truck drivers should not have to face the same sort of penalty as the driver of a car, we don’t have the same driving test, we are expected to know more about the vehicle and it’s correct condition for the road, the traffic commissioner can relieve us of our hgv entitlement but not our car driving licence and so they should be the body to deal with speeding drivers and not some jumped up civilian at the speed camera partnership offices.
it’s time that we had the treatment, respect and the penalties to equal the commitment we give to everyday road safety.

it’s time that we had the treatment, respect and the penalties to equal the commitment we give to everyday road safety.

well put johnny

Like all laws across the World, they are only introduced because of the ones that abuse the things whilst they can.

Before Speed Limits, people went at stupid speeds

Before Compulsory Insurance people never bothered and the innocent victims lost out

Before Talking on a mobile, everyone was concentrating on the conversation rather than the Road

Before Speed Cameras, everyone was ignoring Speed Limits

So in reality, yes if they are abused in a bid to ignore the law and common sense they will become illegal

We only have ourselves to blame at the end of the day :blush: :blush:

why does the poll result add up to 99%? 88% for and 11% against?? who`s the elusive 1%■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

why does the poll result add up to 99%? 88% for and 11% against?? who`s the elusive 1%■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

that’ll be the hidden members :wink:

Dont ban them I say, They are a safety feature as if they are telling you there is a camera in the vicinity then they are letting you know that you are near an accident blackspot and they only put these cameras in blackspot areas dont they.

As for tham not being for revenue but only for safety ,Well thats bovine excretia because they would have adopted a system I saw whilst working on the Spanish run.

At the side of the road is a speed sensor
If it detects you travelling over the limit it turns a traffic light (no junction just a traffic light on a straight road) to red.
Thus slowing your journey but not fining you
If then you jump the red light you get your picture taken & fine.
Other than that it works out quicker to stay at the speed limit than to break it.
Therefore the road is safer less accidents no fines or points & everybody is happy


Davey, not wanting to cause offence, but your simplistic outlook on the laws of the land ignores a few irrefutable facts.

For example there isn’t a groundswell of public opinion that is against compulsory insurance. Contrast this with the overwhelming majority of Britain’s motorists who are against the over-reliance on speed cameras – often to the detriment of uniformed traffic policemen.

Research from transport laboratory “Safespeed” shows that if cameras indeed saved lives then the death toll would have continued falling as the number of cameras increased, what actually happened in the late 90’s as speed camera use exploded is that the death rate drifted around the 3000 mark.

Speed is easy to measure and therefore easy money.

Davey Driver:
Before Talking on a mobile, everyone was concentrating on the conversation rather than the Road

Shouldn’t that mean “everyone was concentrating on the conversation rather than on their speedo” :smiley::D:D


For example there isn’t a groundswell of public opinion that is against compulsory insurance. Contrast this with the overwhelming majority of Britain’s motorists who are against the over-reliance on speed cameras — often to the detriment of uniformed traffic policemen.

But the introduction of cameras was because of some peoples insistance of breaking the speed limits, yes they may now be revenue earners, BUT they were initially introduced because some motorists insisted on ignoring the limits.

Laws are only introduced because of peoples insistance on taking a yard when given and inch.

So really we only have ourselves to blame, if we were all law abiding citizens then the stricter enforcement would’nt be required :wink: :wink:

Hows this for a radical idea,not too sure if it would work as the tax collectors/police wouldn’t be able to raise much needed funds for the government,How about HIGH VISIBILITY POLICING?
Lets think a bit,see a lot of police activity on Highway 123 and you wouldn’t too smart exceeding the speed limit at a deathdefying 5 Kilometres over the limit as you would be pinched.
A paramedic rang a talkback radio station against speed cameras,the host was amazed as he is all for zero tolerance etc etc,and the paramedic had attended numerous fatalities major casualties car smashes and his conclusion was that he has never attended a fatality/injury smash where someone was doing 5,6 or even 10 kilometres per hour over the limit.But he wouldn’t know what he is talking about as he doesnt collect revenue.
What next,everytime you type a letter or email the government reads it all and if it finds that you didnt cross your t’ss or dot your I’s you get fined,and believe me they would if they could-its letter writing SAFETY!!!and the sheep herd mentality would believe the propaganda spewing the brown stuff out.
If they are so 100% effective ,why are there still collisions?
Why do cars collide at intersections?Why do cars run off the road on Highways and Freeways?Ever hear of fatigue?surprise surprise that never gets mentioned when driving for 5 hours staring at your speedo as petrified of going 3 K/ph over the speed limit and being fined and made out as a social outcast.