SPECS Cameras - Am I missing something?

yeah i was going down that strerch yesterday and doing 50 and as everybody says other lorries were just flying past me. Is it really worth maybe your job house etc just back down to 50 and at the end of it what have you lost 5 minutes tops . I know i am not that pushed to do an extra 4 mph .


I was just wondering if these cameras could recognise a lorry. I thought these worked off ANPR so every plate would have to be checked against DVLA database. At peak times this would require a lot of computer power.

I have often wondered about the vehicle type being checked aginst a database.

If that is the case, then it’s more than likely that all registrations and times between cameras will simply be stored in the system and then sent electronically to a master system - which will then do all the calculations.

In roadworks where everyone should be doing the same speed could possibly have registrations flagged if they exceed the set limits (+allowances).

On a normal stretch, i.e. A46 between A52 and the A606, it would probably have to be computed afterwards as the speeds between HGV and cars would be different. i.e. 40 vs 50 / 60

has anyone been done by a specs camera in a truck cause I have never heard of it happening.imo they are an urban myth

happened to me the other night coming down the m74. Set the cruise control to about 48/49 and was passed by a couple of irish lads, both driving white topliners, going like the clappers. I can’t see the point just to save a couple of minutes

I always used to comment to my mates about this, remember the roadworks on the M6? I’m sure it was 40mph, with average speed check, and every truck used to overtake me…

the other thing i wonder about is this, the SPECS cameras face you, correct? So in daylight they get a nice picture of your 'plate and face… however at night they must use night-vision, which would be seriously affected by big bright headlights■■?

And yet another point… English class 1 trucks have the same plate on the trailer as the cab, so GATSO cameras would take a picture of the correct 'plate… whereas euro trucks have different plates on the trailer… although foreign nationals don’t get chased for speed-cam offences, it’s till a valid point relating to this discussion…

They don’t take any pics the SPECS cameras.

They use prob infra red laser to read the characters on your number plate and feed it to a computer which will work out your average speed between two cameras.

If your number plate is non-standard fonts it won’t read them either, thats why supposedly MOT’s and police checks are going to really clamp down on personalised numbers plates with non-standard fonts or non-standard spacing.

Bear in mind that if you’re doing 50 you’ll only see the wagons which pass you rather than those who are doing 50 as well. It may seem like a lot, but probably isn’t as great a percentage as you think. Park in a layby so you can watch everyone plod by and you’ll see what I mean (that’s how I sussed it, btw…). :wink:

As for whether it’s worth the risk…Put it this way, it’s a 16 mile stretch and I’m paid mileage so have no reason to want to slow down unless I have to. I run through there at 50 because my speedo reads 57 and a fellow driver claims it’s faster on GPS (grounds being I overtook him when he was doing a “true” 57 :unamused: ). Whether that’s true or not I have no idea, so I just flick the old manual governor on at 49 (to allow for a little overrun, which it’s prone to) and do my thing - costs me at most 5 minutes, usually less since you often can’t stay at full chat on that stretch anyway, and I know I’ll be ok.

It really, really isn’t worth it. Not even at 29/31ppm. :sunglasses:

has anyone been done by a specs camera in a truck cause I have never heard of it happening.imo they are an urban myth

No urban myth…got three points coming over Woodhead 4 yrs ago :frowning:

has anyone been done by a specs camera in a truck cause I have never heard of it happening.imo they are an urban myth

There has been a lot of discussion wither they work at night or not. SInce the SPECS camera is scanning the front of your vehicle looking for a number plate and finds it by knowing the scale of the letters, spacing etc… like i said before number plates with different fonts and spacing are going to be clamped down on because the SPECS cameras, congestion charge cameras, APRN ones won’t recognise them as number plates.

A lot of people claim that with no illumination onto the front of the vehicle and with the head lights pointing towards the camera there will be nothing it can see in the dark on the likes of the A74 at night. If you look at a vehicle at night with its lights on in a dark road no way you can see the number plate and supposedly the SPECS technology is a bit ropey anyways in good conditions.

Also heard rumours as well a lot of the times the SPECS cameras are just dummys not real. Supposedly they cost a hell of a lot money and setting them up is expensive as well and the returns as not as profitable as placing a gatso.

With SPECS cameras usually signed posted your entering a average speed zone and everyone slows down so most people tend to think somthing is up and slow down as well, with GATSO people still hammering along and slow down for the GATSO speed off, and people get caught out.

one guy who set up a large series of SPECS cameras on an A-road near me claimed that majority of the cameras werent real because of the costs of the real cameras and of setting them up. but as a deterent work well no one is going to chance it. the people who were responsable for the cameras say that they turn them on and off, certain ones work somtimes, other times they don’t. i dont believe that, think they are saying that so people who may have hammered it through a certain section by mistake and get away with it don’t click on that certain sections don’t work.

the A74 ones i don’t think they work or if they do its because you were unlucky. specs cameras on the A77 and other routes when its more than one lane, there is a camera for each lane, supposedly you can’t use one camera to monitor two or more lanes. the A74 ones you never have more than one camera in each direction, at the at one point its covering three lanes, at another point another camera is covering 2 lanes. so maybe they aint real since they don’t seem set up properly or if they are real depends what lane your in and you maybe get lucky.

everything ive posted above i’d take with a pinch of salt before people start ■■■■■■■ at me about it, that i am dumb and wrong. just some talk i’ve heard about them, some more possible facts or urban myths about them.

my personal opinon prob a lot of truth in it that they are mostly placebo’s because the likes of the A74 usually at long term road works with a GATSO they are constantly quoting figures of people getting caught speedin and posting up signs. with the specs never seem to get any of that and also with other specs sites if they do publish details of people caught they don’t really mention specific areas.

but as other have said why take the risk i certainly don’t through specs cameras i don’t wanna play russian rolutte.

So considering the number of people on this site there has only been one person that has been prosecuted by a specs camera.This was on a road that has alawys been a major target for the police anyway.Not one person has said that they ur anyone they know has been prosecuted for speeding whilst the specs on the A14 have been in operation.I still say specs are an urban myth

If the limits 50mph the ACPO guidelines state the threshold is 57mph.

Tho exceeding the speed limit by 1 mph is illegal and you can get done. But it would be by a policeman using his disression. Cameras because they are automated and there is no discression have to be set to ACPO guidlines as a minimum, thats meant to be set out in the guidelines for the camera partnerships setting up speed cameras as well as them being visable.

Heard of people getting caught doing 31mph in a 30mph limit etc… but i always take that with a pinch of salt, police usually follow ACPO guidelines unless your being an arse to them or your speed is in excess due to the conditions. Like its heavy snow or thick fog and it aint really safe to do the speed limit.

Saying all this i dont take the risk with SPECS cameras. Not so much for the risk the camera might be set lower, it won’t be because breaking the guidelines means the camera partnership are then excluded from getting a percentage of the revenue. But more because noticed with the likes of the A77 people are driving through on the threshold like 79mph and it must be getting noticed because now the traffic police are taking an interest and going after these people. Regularly see the traffics on the SPECS section of the A77 at the moment pulling people. Imagine would be the same with roadworks the lkes of the A74, cars sitting doing 50mph then a string of trucks go blasting by them scaring the crap outta them doing 55mph, chance someone complains to the police then the next thing you know the traffics are sitting waiting for trucks to do it.

All the limits and allowances are discretionary. 31mph in a 30 lilit is an offence. Full stop. It’s up to the driver to take a chance.

:confused: 206 Doorman wrote
Motorway limit for trucks is 60 anyway, so M11 (or any other M way) specs cams arn’t going to affect us at all. Only when a lower
limit is posted do we need to think.

:open_mouth: So why do HGV`s HAVE to have Speed Limiters Fitted / Set to Maximum 56mph :question:

:sunglasses: On the Specs Cameras :- A14 / M11 to Harlow Sat Night doing 50mph on the cruise control ( limited to 53 by company ) Motorbike flies past doing at least Warp Factor 9 !! No Way will he ever get caught on that road, cameras only shoot the front not the rear, so wouldnt you have a case of unfair discrimination if you were to get a NIP ? :laughing:

PS. I`m Not Anti-Bike Either Before Anyone Starts - Only Anti-CLOD :angry:

slightly off topic but i noticed some spec set-ups have a camera facing each way i presume this is for the bikers?

sharky the shredder:
:? 206 Doorman wrote

Motorway limit for trucks is 60 anyway, so M11 (or any other M way) specs cams arn’t going to affect us at all. Only when a lower
limit is posted do we need to think.
:open_mouth: So why do HGV`s HAVE to have Speed Limiters Fitted / Set to Maximum 56mph :question:

:sunglasses: On the Specs Cameras :- A14 / M11 to Harlow Sat Night doing 50mph on the cruise control ( limited to 53 by company ) Motorbike flies past doing at least Warp Factor 9 !! No Way will he ever get caught on that road, cameras only shoot the front not the rear, so wouldnt you have a case of unfair discrimination if you were to get a NIP ? :laughing:

PS. I`m Not Anti-Bike Either Before Anyone Starts - Only Anti-CLOD :angry:

Remember when we all voted in a referendum way back in the 70’s to join the
EEC? The boloxnia’s started there. (apologies to alex)
The EU, as it’s now called, mandated a 56mph.
Surprised you had to ask…

:blush: 206 Doorman & Danny mk2, sorry lads did`nt mean to upset anyone.

Just wish EU would up the limit to 60 for speed limiters or drop the M/Way
limit to 56… would save any confusion.

Not seen any rear covering Specs yet but i`ll keep my eyes open :open_mouth:

sharky the shredder:
:oops: 206 Doorman & Danny mk2, sorry lads did`nt mean to upset anyone.

Just wish EU would up the limit to 60 for speed limiters or drop the M/Way
limit to 56… would save any confusion.

Not seen any rear covering Specs yet but i`ll keep my eyes open :open_mouth:

Hey sharky, I never get upset with anybody around here simply because
everybody else is human.
I really don’t think there’s any confusion…except between London and Brussels. It’s about time we had a modern day Belgian Guy Fawkes, just to plot a dose of treason underneath the EU Parliament…no better still,
perhaps we could have another referendum Gordon?..
ahh…I guess thats a no…

the other thing i wonder about is this, the SPECS cameras face you, correct? So in daylight they get a nice picture of your 'plate and face… however at night they must use night-vision, which would be seriously affected by big bright headlights■■?

Next time you drive through some of these at night, tae a look at the units either side of the camera. They usually have a white-ish face to them.

Have a good look and you’ll notice a reddish glow to them. Thats the infra red lamps.

Number plates reflect infra red really well and it stands out more from the bulbs in your headlights.

I drive down the A14 on the limiter ( 54/55 mph) not had anything come thru the post from Plod yet. Although on my satnav it says am doing 53, I too am hourly paid not rushing just doing the SAFE SPEED as not to slow the traffic down behind me.
The guys here who are shouting saying F-ing idiots etc etc, how did you learn to be PERFECT drivers? Let me know? Ta :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

:open_mouth: Oh my god,how dare you admit to SPEEEDING on here :open_mouth: :open_mouth: ,may you burn in the fires of hell.

I totally agree Clarky,there’s too many people who do nothing wrong ever,they are Health and Safety’s Perfect Pupils :smiley:

I can only go 52 and anytime I encounter a 50 mph limit with SPECS cameras,the truck goes 52.
It annoys me when you have the people sitting in the middle lane doing 40 through them,but then thats MY gripe. :wink:
oh,and Im paid by the hour too,but I dont milk it for that fact,cause if I can get in and out the port and up the road,I get my overtime and a night out :wink: but thats another debate!!

I went towards Woodhead pass round Stocksbridge way late a couple of months back through the SPECS at 50,never recieved any NIP,but I may have been lucky :confused:
I personally would of sent myself an NIP for my bad attitude alone :smiley:

sharky the shredder:
:oops: 206 Doorman & Danny mk2, sorry lads did`nt mean to upset anyone.

Not seen any rear covering Specs yet but i`ll keep my eyes open :open_mouth:

Not upset me was genuinely interested seen them in roadworks m18m1 junction on m1 but these have gone now and i have not seen them anywhere else?