Spare a thought for

I live round the corner from Lymm services Raymundo.

Everytime I go there, the fella’s in the gents are very nice to me. They tell me that I am handsome, and they would like to show me a good time.

Thoroughly polite and warm hearted. It does seem a bit odd that they are usually practicing the wheelbarrow race though.

Bluey Circles:
is this it ?

curious as to why the cars offside front tyre is off the rim ?

That’s the one

I would blame the HGV for pulling out…well we always get the blame dont we…plus hes got/had a nice car. :smiley:

Christ they got away without injury! Fair play.
As for anyone being smug if ‘the wrong sort’ had been driving the car… yeah that would make the trucker feel fine about it… :unamused: and I’m sure if it was a member of my family I’d be over the moon if they were maimed or killed.

Regardless, Woodall’s definitely more exciting than Leicester :laughing:



I want to know where these ’ exciting services ’ are that Dozy mentioned.

Dipper Dave will know.

Gents at lymme !!

And you’re helping the sailor stereotype how exactly? :open_mouth:

By being able to read mate … right here on Truck Net :slight_smile:

Bluey Circles:
is this it ?

curious as to why the cars offside front tyre is off the rim ?

Both offside tyres are off their rims… maybe because it was pushed along by the trailer.

Regardless, Woodall’s definitely more exciting than Leicester :laughing:

There`s a reason for that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:


Bluey Circles:
is this it ?

curious as to why the cars offside front tyre is off the rim ?

Both offside tyres are off their rims… maybe because it was pushed along by the trailer.

Yes, that sounds a reasonable explanation, car forced sideways with weight of trailer forcing it down could very well pull tyres off rims. I had been thinking car possibly hit something on road that destroyed both tyres hence car lost control … but your suggestion is very plausible if not better.

Anyhows, just bent metal, no one injured or killed is always good outcome, too much carnage on our roads.