Spanish Bob

Has anyone met spanish bob? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I was introduced to bob in milan about ten years ago when he worked for murfitts
I saw him again on the train this week… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing:
And he still wears make-up, a big fluffy jumper, ski-pants… The looks the spanish were giving him :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

christ on a bike. bob still around ? how is gaylord ?. aint clapped eyes on him for 6 years at least. who is he working for john ?. bet he looked a site as always. remember once in cadiz a spaniard+a porgi had a fight over him till the obvious was pointed out .then they turned on bob. only to be laid flat out with one punch each. ahh good old days

Good to hear he hasnt changed his ways !!!

First time I met him was in the (laughingly called) drivers tea room at Murfitts, about a week after I had started

Was nattering away to the drivers when this … errrrrrr… Vision… in pink entered the room, complete with fluffy slippers skin tight pink trousers and a fluffy pink jumper, make up and few days stubble on his chin…

Not one of the old hands said a word, or batted an eyelid, and he just joined in the conversation like any other driver, while the few new guys were sitting there thinking this has to be a wind up…

After a while on the company Bob , you realised was just another driver, and despite his dress sense, had a wicked sense of humour. !!! and a reputation for being able to sort out any problems caused by his attire with a rather good right hook.

Now Splinter was a different sort of fella complettly… I wonder what he is doing now !!!

r slicker:
christ on a bike. bob still around ? how is gaylord ?. aint clapped eyes on him for 6 years at least. who is he working for john ?. bet he looked a site as always. remember once in cadiz a spaniard+a porgi had a fight over him till the obvious was pointed out .then they turned on bob. only to be laid flat out with one punch each. ahh good old days

I think he`s on for EWALS now brian.

cheers john. he will be on mtc at alconbury then. with steve foster (ricky take note of these names lol) ronnie ratshit and most of muppits backroom staff except ray brown and guy billieyeald. small world gone full circle.

Seem to think this the same Guy? who worked for Chambers & Cook.

Am I right?

Used to see him on the Ramsgate - Dunkirk ferry where they had that lovely smorgesboard for free every day. Ah the good old days…

r slicker:
cheers john. he will be on mtc at alconbury then. with steve foster (ricky take note of these names lol) ronnie ratshit and most of muppits backroom staff except ray brown and guy billieyeald. small world gone full circle.

MTC probably have more sense than to go near dear old RB - he’s working for da family again in Littleport (well was around October 06) were you on Murfitts at some point then Brian?

seen bob a couple weeks ago at stockyard ts,he parks there quite a lot.
used to see him at folkstone. i think he drives a car transporter.

bobs a mate of mine,
he’s pulling ewals trailers predominantly out of purfleet, along with a few ex muppets
i had a brew and a natter with him about a month ago, he was parked there with sumo

bobs a mate of mine,
he’s pulling ewals trailers predominantly out of purfleet, along with a few ex muppets
i had a brew and a natter with him about a month ago, he was parked there with sumo

sumo as in ray clawson? know if he’s still with the lovely tina?!

murfitts sumo, i only said hi to him as i’d been talking to bob for a while and i was already late before i started talking to him


bobs a mate of mine,
he’s pulling ewals trailers predominantly out of purfleet, along with a few ex muppets
i had a brew and a natter with him about a month ago, he was parked there with sumo

sumo as in ray clawson? know if he’s still with the lovely tina?!

Ahhhh the Lovely Tina :open_mouth:

The last I heard, Spanish Bob was with Ewals, as were several other ex-muppets. Jill has been at Ewals for several years too.

Robbies Dad:


bobs a mate of mine,
he’s pulling ewals trailers predominantly out of purfleet, along with a few ex muppets
i had a brew and a natter with him about a month ago, he was parked there with sumo

sumo as in ray clawson? know if he’s still with the lovely tina?!

Ahhhh the Lovely Tina :open_mouth:

you must know her then Mick! would say more but won’t out of respect to ray as he was a nice bloke…

Hi, I used to work at Murfitts too, for Ronnie at hams hall, met Spanish Bob when getting off Dutch plates to UK plates, had some good times with Bob. How’s he doing?

Sumo, who worked for MTC, works for the company i work for now. (Thats if Sumo’s mane is Andy?!?!)

I heard last night on good authority that “spanish/pink bob” is now known as “ANNE MARIE”
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

I heard last night on good authority that “spanish/pink bob” is now known as “ANNE MARIE”
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth:

I heard that one several years ago Jon.

He didn’t say anything when I was still calling him Bob, a couple of years after I’d heard it.

it was still bob when i saw him the other week
if it was anne marie, he would say so and i’d address him as that, it wouldn’t bother me none

didn’t recognise most of those names BD but from further back; micky plant from yaxley, “geordie” geoff welford, puggy, phil wigget, tim davies, mick prokopiw (sp.?) polish tom, eric savage, tony venni, dave berwick, pete lord, eric wall, hughie ashton, nigel hales, “squeaky” neville weathall, mike baldwin, andy “hippy” belcher, mick cook, steve blackmore, dave fuller from oxford, paul godfrey, tony claxton, “sad” bob hill, rainer “herman” boehme, bob hunter, pervy simon dodd and his mate in perversion dan mcloughlin, mitch morris, and off the double teams john & lynn etherington

whoo, have to have a sit down after all that brain exertion :wink:

Geordie is on for Eddies Stobarts at crick now for last few years.

Worked with him at few places, Pinnacle Int, Rucks, and met him on Chunnel while i helped out at Shires while he was there… one of the old school!

Had a few good nights out in pubs n clubs with him in europe,

he also used to do middle east as well in the old days, some of the storys he had!