Spandler Bros ltd

In the London Gazette of today there is details of the above old established ( 1946) haulage company closing down.

Taken over by Revis Transport…

Taken over by Revis Transport…

They’re expanding a bit, they took over ABC fairly recently too.

Did they used to have a place at Gt Yarmouth?
Can remember back loading fertilser a few times from over that way.
Think it was via Spandler Bros.
The only other firm i recall over that way was Uniex.

Taken over by Revis Transport…

That was in Aug 2015, though.

Wasn’t it K C Spandler & Sons in t’olden days.

I think that is Spandlers of Great Yarmouth, that’s the second sizable (for Norfolk) haulage company I’ve heard closing down in as many weeks. :frowning:

But it can’t be, the radio news i inadvertantly heard today was on about how wonderful it is re unemployment figures… :unamused: and our superb economy…maybe we should all vote to stay in the EU to keep the good ship Titanic on course full ahead… :wink: :laughing:

But it can’t be, the radio news i inadvertantly heard today was on about how wonderful it is re unemployment figures… :unamused: and our superb economy…maybe we should all vote to stay in the EU to keep the good ship Titanic on course full ahead… :wink: :laughing:

Never really sure whats going on the economy, just seems to be winners and losers depending on the market you’re in and how you run your business.
but I also know local hauliers who are doing ok and one who’s given his guys a stonking pay rise, (now on good money for that part of Norfolk :laughing: ) and is expanding, he’s found a niche market, the boss is a good straight talking type, the only PC he knows is a computer and he struggles with that :laughing: he was the mechanic at the place I worked at 20 years ago, but it was obvious then that he was pretty switched on sort of bloke. :slight_smile:

Spandler Bros ltd was the original company owned by Bunn fertiliser. Spandler (gt Yarmouth) ltd was new business set up to take on all existing staff, kit and work. Bunn fertiliser have officially shut down Spandler Bros ltd as it is now just a company in name only - all original staff now work for Spandler (gt Yarmouth) ltd on same terms and conditions as before. New firm has taken on extra staff since the changes last August.

The bit about the economy they don’t want to talk about … tedkingdom that’ll be interesting when interest rates rise… :open_mouth:

Glad to hear there’s some good news in Norfolk too, hopefully that’ll spur things a bit at other places.

The bit about the economy they don’t want to talk about … tedkingdom that’ll be interesting when interest rates rise… :open_mouth:

Tin foil hat sitting a bit tight. :unamused:

Two of theirs went by me yesterday heading for Avonmouth I would guess. Two red FM12’S?