Southbound M5 J8 J9

As some of you know the M5 is closed at nights between J8 & J9

Question - is it possible to come off at J8, go down the M50 5mins, then A38 Tewkesbury, down the High St, then back onto the M5 @ J9?

On the map it looks doable, but the diversion take you off at J8 and you rejoin at J11, anyone know if the Tewkesbury route is closed off

7.5 ton weight limit in Tewkesbury town centre mate

I came off M50 Jnc 1 followed artic in front he went off down towards Tewksbury A38 so thought what the heck follow him and one was following me as well there were plenty of branches in road apparently a d decker had come through earlier ouch!!!
All went well till come to r/about into High st as mentioned 7.5 ton weight restriction ooops to late down we go trundling down the High st not much about at 2.30 in the morning just as well rejoins M5 at Junc 9 suffice to say will not be going that route again

■■■■, ok cheers for replies.

Usually I always use the M5 southwards, M40-A34 has few lit sections to give the eyes & brain a respite.