South East corner of the M60

Its bizarre! Whoever designed that wants rodgering with a wide stick, especially joining anti clockwise from Stockport. I understand there was supposed to be a motorway linking Manchester and Sheffield which never got built but surely all if this should of been taken into consideration before work commenced! What’s strange is when joining from Stockport and to-ing and fro-ing round the bends before actually merging with the M60, there’s a bit of road visible where the slip road would of been from said unbuilt motorway.

Also, am I right in thinking there were talks of a privately funded toll road/tunnels to be built through/over the Pennines linking Manchester and Sheffield? Wonder why that never got the go ahead?

That’s my late night random rant over.

It’s better than it was. If you were coming from Stockport anti clockwise, the Motorway just ended somewhere the M67 junction.

I remember that. I’m on about the part from Stockport. If you come off at the big Tesco and try and rejoin the same direction the amount if faffage needed is silly.

Try this Tarry

Bit of a geek website but sort of interesting if you use the junctions they winge about…

It would be back in the early/mid 1980’s that we constructed the the section of the M63 (as it was then) from Bredbury up to the A57, diverting Windmill Lane at the same time. Two loads of tarmac a day from Ashbourne was a good days work with all the waiting involved, we thought then that the layout was odd but it was many years later when we resurfaced it again when it was completed through to the M62 and put extra lane’s in.


they had grand ideas of building a road from this jct to meet the A6 at Hazel grove,thats why the railway bridge was built with no support underneath it leaving room for the extra lanes to join the motorway.

TTX boy:
they had grand ideas of building a road from this jct to meet the A6 at Hazel grove,thats why the railway bridge was built with no support underneath it leaving room for the extra lanes to join the motorway.

wasnt it meant to link up with the A6 then carry on to meet up with the A 34 near woodford .

They’re hopefully starting the A6 to M56 link within the next 18 months :smiley:

Other end A6 to Bredburys not even in the pipeline.

Or check this out Pathetic Motorways

Try this Tarry

Bit of a geek website but sort of interesting if you use the junctions they winge about…

That’s exactly the bit I’m on about! Just up the road from that there’s a great big roundabout with no real idea behind it, better visible from Google maps.

One of the replies to that link has got it summed up really well;

"You only have half of this bad junction.

If you continue round to the right on the picture, it bends through 90 degrees and the A560 joins the north bound M60 in the outside lane.

It is incredibly dangerous, especially when you get a pootling Micra coming down the fast lane and trying to cut across two lanes of 70mph traffic to get into the inside lane!"

Even stranger in a truck doing 55mph!

Actually, we don’t get very many RTC’s there at all. You’d think that we would, possibly it’s because most people know what the junction’s like, and they’re paying more attention.