Something in the water?


There’s been a lot of "I agree"ing going on lately and nothing wrong with that, but hang on, this is me you’re agreeing with :open_mouth: . In case you’d forgotten, this is me, Captain Contraversial, King of starting arguments in empty rooms, Master of upsetting anyone and everyone with my exact thoughts of them and their opinions. :exclamation:

Is it something in the water? Are you all ill? Am I mellowing? Have I managed to wein you all round to my way of thinking? :open_mouth:

It’s all rather strange as one is not accustomed to this level of agreement. :confused:


Just goes to show you talk sense occaisionally :laughing:

I agree :wink:

I have to agree Rob you are talking sense

I agree :wink:

The Biker:
I have to agree Rob you are talking sense

I think that “I agree” should be replaced with “[zb]” as I’m more used to that response to my posts and I’ll feel more at home then. Neil, can you make it so?

I agree robk ;As pictured below!!

Rob K:

There’s been a lot of "I agree"ing going on lately and nothing wrong with that, but hang on, this is me you’re agreeing with :open_mouth: . In case you’d forgotten, this is me, Captain Contraversial, King of starting arguments in empty rooms, Master of upsetting anyone and everyone with my exact thoughts of them and their opinions. :exclamation:

Is it something in the water? Are you all ill? Am I mellowing? Have I managed to wein you all round to my way of thinking? :open_mouth:

It’s all rather strange as one is not accustomed to this level of agreement. :confused:


you wish, youve a long way to go before i become a member of your fan club, did i welcome you back, not one of my best thoughts

and i think the rest are just humoring you, theres a lot of thinks theyd like to do but theyve taken the easy option, cowards :unamused:

As anybody got a picture of RobK… so I know who to look for when out and about :wink: :wink:

Here is that clip of him before he lost his job as a life guard.

Rob K:

There’s been a lot of "I agree"ing going on lately and nothing wrong with that, but hang on, this is me you’re agreeing with :open_mouth: . In case you’d forgotten, this is me, Captain Contraversial, King of starting arguments in empty rooms, Master of upsetting anyone and everyone with my exact thoughts of them and their opinions. :exclamation:

Is it something in the water? Are you all ill? Am I mellowing? Have I managed to wein you all round to my way of thinking? :open_mouth:

It’s all rather strange as one is not accustomed to this level of agreement. :confused:


You’re mellowing Rob - it’s probably the valium

It’s had me worried, too…

Oh [zb] I’m at it again.

Your wrong, RobK, we none of us agree with you!!! :laughing:

But I actually have to disagree with ady1 here…!

i agree :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Too late. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well…You gotta laugh. :wink:

its Christmas mate,when all the numptys in the world agree with everything you say,wish you all the best ,when in actual fact they cant stand the sight of you.thats what i hate about Christmas its full of hypocrisy.

its Christmas mate,when all the numptys in the world agree with everything you say,wish you all the best ,when in actual fact they cant stand the sight of you.thats what i hate about Christmas its full of hypocrisy.

Christmas is a time for forgiving and forgetting so welcome back Rob. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Christmas is a time for forgiving and forgetting so welcome back Rob.

Ok. Jammy, I forgive you for being an arse, I can be an arse too quite a lot of the time. Now who the hell’s Rob? I seem to have forgotten

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: