Some photos from my week

Hi all,just thought I would take some photos and post them.

Well that’s all for now as the computer will only let me put 10 on at a time

Could you drop a wobbler off for me ? I live close to the A4 into Bristol so it’ll be easy for you, oh make it a small 4 berth please. :wink: :smiley:

The wobble boxes on the back will have better beds than the truck and a loo , not to mention kitchen facilities . Take some cleaning stuff and enjoy the extra space.
No one will know if you leave it tidy !

As I can only post 10 photos at a time here’s the rest of Monday.

That’s all for now.bald bloke will be down in the morning if your quick :sunglasses:

nice one :slight_smile:

Thanx for sharing

Up early well 5 o clock and off to Alko at Southham to pick up chassis cabs for Baileys.

That’s Tuesday sorted

Wednesday morning

That’s all for now Ade

Filling up at Barton Mills on way back
More like blocking the pumps.