SOME of you should lose your licence

Rant of the week.Why do some lorry drivers bully other road users in the average speed camera road works narrow lanes on motorways.
Every day i have seen trucks inches behind cars,trying to make the cars move over to lane one or make them speed up.
Has anyone else noticed this?
What is the rush to get through the works when you can see miles of traffic ahead and know you aint getting nowhere for a while?
This how the public perceive us in a bad way.
If the car suddenly stopped,such as mechanical failure or the driver hits the brakes,there is no time to react.
Some must be going over the speed limit in the road works.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
Could you live with youself killing a family?Then do the prison time for dangerous driving ?

i agree with a lot of what you say chap but like you i set my cruise control at 48 mph but even though i do that there is allways some muppet car driver[and some hgvs] who think they have the right to travel in the middle lane at 40 or 45 when it is nice and clear in the first lane,and they will not move over, so you undertake at 48 mph,i usually put my arm out and gesture to them[not rude i might add] to pull in to the first lane if they want to drive slowly but no they insist on sitting in the middle lane,you have probably seen it yourself,if they cannot use the roads properly then they should have their licence revoked

Being in lane 2, through my local section of 50mph roadworks, the stretch between be Potters Bar and M11, scares the bejesus out of me. It seems very narrow when next to another HGV. Tried it once, not anymore unless going around queuing traffic for a slip road, I’d rather hang in lane 1 and chill out, I normally catch up with heroes once it opens back up to a normal motorway.

Stirling moss’ cousins are paid by the hour! :imp: it’s worse on a Friday as it’s wacky races day! :laughing: they’re like homing pigeons ( gotta get home, :open_mouth: gotta get home! ) :unamused: unfortunately childish, selfish and often murderous behaviour! :smiling_imp: :bulb: :question: :exclamation:

i agree with a lot of what you say chap but like you i set my cruise control at 48 mph but even though i do that there is allways some muppet car driver[and some hgvs] who think they have the right to travel in the middle lane at 40 or 45 when it is nice and clear in the first lane,and they will not move over, so you undertake at 48 mph,i usually put my arm out and gesture to them[not rude i might add] to pull in to the first lane if they want to drive slowly but no they insist on sitting in the middle lane,you have probably seen it yourself,if they cannot use the roads properly then they should have their licence revoked

Agree all most completely, Stretch of road that annoys me with cars sitting in the middle lane at 40-50 mph is the new M74 between the M73/M8 both north and south bound. Its made even more painful by the fact the trucks I drive only do 50-52mph, a few times I have seriously considered using lane 3 to get past, but never have (52 mph in a outside lane!!! FFS). I don’t think they should have their licences revoked, that would be a bit severe. I would send them on a course, few hours in the passenger seat of a HGV to see how this selfish behaviour effects trucks and how much danger (rightly or wrongly) it puts them and other road users in. I would say… as part of the car test, there should be a module where the newly qualified driver or learner spends a day in the passenger seat of a truck and also some kind of motorcycle course, whether it be as a pillion or riding one round a enclosed area, just to heighten knowledge of the average driver.

One of Turners bulk blower tankers got the hump on the A14 because he could not get past before the average speed check roadworks from the Kettering bit Westbound.
A car was in front of him,so he is inches away to get the car out of his way.Then with not much room left decides to cut me up to change direction.
Does it really matter to be in front and get there 45 seconds earlier.

(agree about bullying and middle lane sitters) Just to point out that our speedo’s are WAY more accurate that the rubbish in most cars…so they might not know they are doing 46 and not 50 for example. They might be sitting there thinking “Why is that lorry behind speeding and trying to bully me out of the way”

I don’t think car drivers know they are allowed to change lanes in roadworks , I thought people were getting done for middle lane hogging ? I don’t get right up behind a car but it is annoying when they just stay in the middle lane all the way through

Red mist is very common.A Vauxhal Corsa driver got out of his car.
He put his coat sleeve on his hand to hide finger prints and in a road rage removed the keys of a Bmw and drove off with the keys later throwing them in a hedge.
They were found and handed in to a Police station.
Funny enough i have often thought of doing the same.
Audi and Bmw drivers are the worst.
Rep mobiles on finance or HP.

Rant of the week.Why do some lorry drivers bully other road users in the average speed camera road works narrow lanes on motorways.
Every day i have seen trucks inches behind cars,trying to make the cars move over to lane one or make them speed up.
Has anyone else noticed this?
What is the rush to get through the works when you can see miles of traffic ahead and know you aint getting nowhere for a while?
This how the public perceive us in a bad way.
If the car suddenly stopped,such as mechanical failure or the driver hits the brakes,there is no time to react.
Some must be going over the speed limit in the road works.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
Could you live with youself killing a family?Then do the prison time for dangerous driving ?

I would agree with you, but some of those car drivers, as soon as there is average speed cameras (like on the M5) slow down to 45mph, now that’s fine, if they want to do 45mph, but they should do it in lane 1. Every time I go down there I get stuck behind a Sunday driver in lane 2.
With all the road closures I can JUST make it to Iceland Swindon from our yard the other day (A46/m40 shut because of overturned wagon, so had to go M6,M42,M5,A417,A419) now if I can keep her at the speed limit all the way, I’d get to the gate with about 10 minutes to spare to get on a bay. If I lose time stuck behind miss daisy for God knows how many miles at 45 rather than 50 I’d have to take my 45 min before I get there, I’d then hit all the rush hour traffic on the way home, meaning I’d now be doing a 14 hour day rather than 12, which is not good on day rate!

In short the car driver is in the wrong as they are not keeping up with the flow of traffic, they should move over into lane one, but they can’t bring themselves to be overtaken by a SLOW lorry.

What annoys me in the roadworks are HGV drivers who ride the white line between lane 1 and 2! Muppets

Be carefull.Traffic Commisioners often get chauffered around and note the firm and number plate and have the power to lose your licence on the basis of what they have witnessed.
Drivers have lost their licences while being on their phone while driving unaware that a TC has seen them.

i agree with a lot of what you say chap but like you i set my cruise control at 48 mph but even though i do that there is allways some muppet car driver[and some hgvs] who think they have the right to travel in the middle lane at 40 or 45 when it is nice and clear in the first lane,and they will not move over, so you undertake at 48 mph,i usually put my arm out and gesture to them[not rude i might add] to pull in to the first lane if they want to drive slowly but no they insist on sitting in the middle lane,you have probably seen it yourself,if they cannot use the roads properly then they should have their licence revoked

As long as you are in lane 1 when you approach these muppets, there is nothing in law to say you cant pass them, as long as you stay in lane 1 for a while after passing, I pass these muppets all the time in lane 1!

As long as you are in lane 1 when you approach these muppets, there is nothing in law to say you cant pass them

You got it.

What annoys me in the roadworks are HGV drivers who ride the white line between lane 1 and 2! Muppets

would these be the muppets who have wide loads on and are following the instructions ?

Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.

I agree with the principal, but I think cruise control tends to be the root of the problem here. So many ‘drivers’ now just don’t seem to be able to get their head around driving on a motorway without cruise control engaged at all times. They have the cruise set to 80k and don’t want to be slowed down. Cruise control is there for open stretches of road, it’s not appropriate in busy stretches of motorway roadworks at rush hour where traffic is very dense. Leave it switched off and control that separation distance with your foot I say.

I used to frequent the M62 around Leeds when the roadworks were in full flow last year & before and the behaviour of many truck drivers was shocking. We’re the professionals, act like it FFS :unamused:

Car drivers are pricks in road works. You always get some bum hole sitting in the middle lane doing 40-45 sitting alongside other cars in the inside lane doing the same speed and they refuse to move.

That is, until you get to a set of works where anything over 6 foot 6 is confined to lane one. Then these ■■■■■■■ want to sit in lane 1 at 40-45 mph. It just creates frustration although I don’t agree with trying to push them out the way.

Whilst agreeing in principle with the OP the first thing I do on entering any road works is to turn off the cruise control you will have far more control and a better ability to anticipate with your foot on the accelerator than having to brake or hit the off button to disengage the CC. Also by using the accelerator and not the brakes you will not cause the ripple effect when everyone sees a set of brake lights and then brakes causing the motorway to come to a standstill 2 miles before the roadworks

And to just add to it lights why oh why car drivers dont care about lights last night i counted over 20 cars with light defects ranging from a bulb here a lamp there, then at 3am i pooped myself as i came up towards a car reverse lights on and going forward


Rant of the week.Why do some lorry drivers bully other road users in the average speed camera road works narrow lanes on motorways.
Every day i have seen trucks inches behind cars,trying to make the cars move over to lane one or make them speed up.
Has anyone else noticed this?
What is the rush to get through the works when you can see miles of traffic ahead and know you aint getting nowhere for a while?
This how the public perceive us in a bad way.
If the car suddenly stopped,such as mechanical failure or the driver hits the brakes,there is no time to react.
Some must be going over the speed limit in the road works.
Just chill out,cruise control on at 47mph,a big gap and relax.
Could you live with youself killing a family?Then do the prison time for dangerous driving ?

I would agree with you, but some of those car drivers, as soon as there is average speed cameras (like on the M5) slow down to 45mph, now that’s fine, if they want to do 45mph, but they should do it in lane 1. Every time I go down there I get stuck behind a Sunday driver in lane 2.
With all the road closures I can JUST make it to Iceland Swindon from our yard the other day (A46/m40 shut because of overturned wagon, so had to go M6,M42,M5,A417,A419) now if I can keep her at the speed limit all the way, I’d get to the gate with about 10 minutes to spare to get on a bay. If I lose time stuck behind miss daisy for God knows how many miles at 45 rather than 50 I’d have to take my 45 min before I get there, I’d then hit all the rush hour traffic on the way home, meaning I’d now be doing a 14 hour day rather than 12, which is not good on day rate!

In short the car driver is in the wrong as they are not keeping up with the flow of traffic, they should move over into lane one, but they can’t bring themselves to be overtaken by a SLOW lorry.

Now before I start I’m not having a go at you personally but this, to me, is one of the causes of the driving behaviour the OP is talking about. The limit set is the maximum in ideal conditions, not a target we should try to maintain, or exceed, as we are in a hurry. Getting frustrated about getting held up only leads to poor driving once you are through.