Some of our stock got stolen

So I had a delivery just over a week ago to a company we know as Morgan Sindal. On my paperwork it said please phone Keith 20 before delivery.

So I phone up when I was near stating that I am 20 mins away, the guy says ok no problem I will get my man to meet you by the ■■■■ in Sheering near bishops Stortford. He said from there my man will take you to our place where we want the pipe dropped off.

So after waiting for 15 mins at the ■■■■ I finally see a young boy coming down the road in a high viz. He comes up to the passenger side and says we need to drive to the place we are going to dig the holes for the pipe.

The boy hops in my cab and off we go, we traveled about 3-4 miles around country roads and he couldn’t seem to remember where the place we needed was. He goes sorry I’m abit forgetful I smoke alot of weed. By this time I am starting to think this is a little strange. Anyhow we finally get to the place he wanted the pipe dropped off and I unloaded it all outside a farm on Sparrows lane. He signed the ticket I then asked if he wanted a lift back he was no its ok my work mate will be here in abit. So off I went.

Yesterday we had the remainder of the order that we didn’t have in stock so I went up there again. I tried phoning the numbers I had but all I got was its been impossible to connect your call please try again later. So I drove around these back roads to where I dropped the pipe and there was nothing there anywhere. I then went and asked the farmer he said yes I remember seeing the pipe but no it wasn’t nothing to do with me.

I phoned office they had no other numbers so they said just drive on to your next delivery. Well today it comes out that after phoning Morgan Sindal these guys didn’t work for them and there was no job in that area.

The boy in the office who had taken the order said come to think about it when I asked for the account number he didn’t get back to me with it until the next day. So it seems this man the boy was working with must of found a Morgan Sindal account number laying around and used it to get the gear delivered.

Today office rang police and the fraud squad are on it not that I believe the pipe will ever be found now though.

The pipe was 10 lengths of 450mm black duct. So to move all that lot they would of needed a lorry.

It’s amazing the lengths some people go to

A much as I hate thieving scumbags you’ve got to be quite impressed by the effort going into doing this. It’s amazing what you could actually remove from a site by just wandering in and saying you’ve come to collect it. I’ve even pulled up at the wrong place, or stopped to ask directions and had people bringing stuff out for me to load as they were expecting their plant to be collected soon. This sort of thing happening on sites where we are not familiar or have any connection with.

Do it in daylight rather than at might and no one notices.

I work for a small indy builders merchant, but even when I worked for the multis’, you’d need to catch the thickest of the office muppets with a particularly bad hangover to have this jackanory, one of the oldest cons in the book, work.

It amazes me how all you need is a companies account number to get all this to work

Sumat like that happened near where I live, they were building a big 3mil factory and for 4 days running the copper pipe and steel beams were being robbed, keeping in mind that it was right next to a main road.
Well turned out some one must have hired a lorry and was going round to there pretending to collect or whatever and robbing it all
After the 4 days of robbing they finally decided to get security there… Bit late but yeh that’s how these people in suits work lol

It amazes me how all you need is a companies account number to get all this to work

Nope. You need a whole lot more & a little something else on top. You need stupid & naive people who perhaps are a little too stupid & a little too naive to be behind a counter or a telephone where real business is conducted.

This is one of the oldest cons in the book.

Who are you trying to fool?

When I turn up to a delivery address and anybody asks for it to be put anywhere else I always ring the office to clear it first. a few years ago there was a scam where someone in a suit would ask u to drop the load at a different warehouse as they were full only to find out later the customer never got it. Same as the scam where a guy dresses like a copper and pulls u over only to knock u on the head and nick the truck.


Foreign trucks have been targeted by men dressed as security gusrds and pretend they work for the firm where the driver is trying to find and has got lost.
They say follow me to our other warehouse and we have arranged it with your boss or client.

bee chris:
When I turn up to a delivery address and anybody asks for it to be put anywhere else I always ring the office to clear it first. a few years ago there was a scam where someone in a suit would ask u to drop the load at a different warehouse as they were full only to find out later the customer never got it. Same as the scam where a guy dresses like a copper and pulls u over only to knock u on the head and nick the truck.

It’s a common thing where I work to pick a bloke up and let him guide me to where the gear needs to be dropped. A lot of the time these people we supply too ain’t working in the same road they lay the gear down in. Or sometimes they don’t need the stuff yet so will store it else where in a place they ain’t working etc. There is loads of different cases like this, This is why I thought nothing of it.

So I had a delivery just over a week ago to a company we know as Morgan Sindal. On my paperwork it said please phone Keith 20 before delivery.

So I phone up when I was near stating that I am 20 mins away, the guy says ok no problem I will get my man to meet you by the ■■■■ in Sheering near bishops Stortford. He said from there my man will take you to our place where we want the pipe dropped off.

So after waiting for 15 mins at the ■■■■ I finally see a young boy coming down the road in a high viz. He comes up to the passenger side and says we need to drive to the place we are going to dig the holes for the pipe.

The boy hops in my cab and off we go, we traveled about 3-4 miles around country roads and he couldn’t seem to remember where the place we needed was. He goes sorry I’m abit forgetful I smoke alot of weed. By this time I am starting to think this is a little strange. Anyhow we finally get to the place he wanted the pipe dropped off and I unloaded it all outside a farm on Sparrows lane. He signed the ticket I then asked if he wanted a lift back he was no its ok my work mate will be here in abit. So off I went.

Yesterday we had the remainder of the order that we didn’t have in stock so I went up there again. I tried phoning the numbers I had but all I got was its been impossible to connect your call please try again later. So I drove around these back roads to where I dropped the pipe and there was nothing there anywhere. I then went and asked the farmer he said yes I remember seeing the pipe but no it wasn’t nothing to do with me.

I phoned office they had no other numbers so they said just drive on to your next delivery. Well today it comes out that after phoning Morgan Sindal these guys didn’t work for them and there was no job in that area.

The boy in the office who had taken the order said come to think about it when I asked for the account number he didn’t get back to me with it until the next day. So it seems this man the boy was working with must of found a Morgan Sindal account number laying around and used it to get the gear delivered.

Today office rang police and the fraud squad are on it not that I believe the pipe will ever be found now though.

The pipe was 10 lengths of 450mm black duct. So to move all that lot they would of needed a lorry.

It’s amazing the lengths some people go to

I feel for you, because it happened to me years ago but the goods were a lot more valuable than pipes… :blush:

I will say, ever since I’ve been very cautious, nearly to the point of paranoia. People trust me to deliver their stuff and I do my best not to let them down. It still annoys me when I think about it, my only consolation is, they fooled the guard I had with me too!

I’ve since developed a radar for “likely stories” and scenarios, I’ve offended a lot of people too, when asking for ID or proof of something or other. I don’t care, fool me once and all that.

Hope others read this thread and learn from your story. It’s a crap feeling, going out to do an honest day’s work and being dragged into things like this by scumbags.

In Walthamstow, North London, there was a shop selling white goods (Fridges, cookers etc) and they used to put stock on the pavement outside.

One day a van pulls up and the driver says “I have come to collect this lot,” handing over a list. It was normal to swap stock from one shop to another. The manager was gone for his lunch and the van driver knew his name, and the name of the regional manager so the youngsters in the shop helped him load the goods onto the van.

Of course, when the manager got back he went ballistic, but they never caught the crooks.

Lol, it’s called getting older & more cynical.

This is slightly more involved than some chancer redirecting a legit order, the initial order was wafty so the first order wasn’t one that never arrived it was just one that shouldn’t have arrived in the first place.

The picture I have of crooks is people in dark clothes and a balaclava - in fact nowadays they’re far more likely to have a truck and a high-viz

The picture I have of crooks is people in dark clothes and a balaclava - in fact nowadays they’re far more likely to have a truck and a high-viz

Oh I disagree, I think that they’re more likely to wear a sharp suit and drive an Audi.

Or wear a police uniform!

Hi-viz the invisablity cloke. Its amazing where you can go with one of these on

You should have realised it when he refused to take off his dark sun glasses, even though it was pouring with rain :laughing:

I knew a guy who delivered a full load of whiskey to Romania, it was a first trial run, when he got back, he was team leader for a few other loads going to the same destination, however, they were all led to a deserted warehouse, and promptly unloaded all of the goods, a few days later one of the drivers was phoned by the company, asking when the loads would be delivered ( they all had different reload areas to go to), they told the company what had happened, and that was that, the team leader however had different ideas, he sent the firm a post card from some far fetched land, saying enjoying the sun, wish you were here or words to that effect, so it was a good earner for him, and i dont know if he was ever caught, but i`ll drink to that :unamused:


I heard ( not sure if its true)Apparently a brand new jcb telescopic load shovel was taken from the jcb stand at the great yorkshire show,right under everyone’s noses. They just pulled in with a low loader and claimed to be picking it up. That takes some balls.