Some nice places!

Well just thought i would post up a couple of photos from two deliveries from this week. Just got a camera phone and a usb attachement so got a camera with me all the time now…so here goes.

ILKLEY-Station Plaza.

This is from a delivery in Ilkley this is a picture of the Gate way in.

Nothin too special there i here you say. Well the problem is were the truck is parked is on the loading bay so you cant back in off the road from either directon as you couldnt get round onto the bay without striking the gates.

So you have to drive in upto this wall on the left

SPin it and head towards these bins

And then try and get the lock off with this

Straight in front of you…

Also just to add to the fun there is a step change in the gradient of the yard. Not sure if you can see it in this picture.

When youve done the only way to get out is head back for those bins and shunt until you can “bend” the trailer the right way and jack it back up the yard so you can drive out the gate.

Eastbourne road-Boro

These few are from a kwiksave in middlesboro. Again Every possible obstruction is here for you. Also this is classed as a dangerous delivery point as we have had two drivers attacked in this place and another couple with bags stolen from cabs. We now take our bags into the shop while delivering

This is the entrance to the yard.

And yes that is a roundabout dead in front so the way into this is to drive in and you are greated by this

Yep the local vagrant’s house. Mind you the neighbours are not much better this is a shot of the “FLATS” above the shop

So when you have navigated round the local low life and screwed it round on a muddy surface between these obstacles

You can back it upto the door but dont forget the container which is placed right alongside (just see it in the mirror)

Anyway thats all for now. Just thought i would share some of the great sites from this week :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Hehehe thanks for the pics, looks a bit dodgy there fella

keep em coming

them pictures remind me of a place where that secene was normal , i did not know that some parts of our wonderful land were so short of
glass windows,

Hehehe thanks for the pics, looks a bit dodgy there fella

keep em coming

just a bit. its surprising how quick you can make a delivery when the setting is like this. in and out as quick as you can :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Good pics bones :smiley:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: . I`VE SEEN SOME SIGHTS BUT NEVER A SHANTY TOWN IN A SHOP CARPARK :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It would be a baseball bat i’d have in my cab rather than the camera,nice pics m8. :laughing:

It would be a baseball bat i’d have in my cab rather than the camera,nice pics m8. :laughing:

No baseball bat, But i always make sure the leg winding handle is in the cab and not the locker when i go there :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Nice to see the pic of Chez Lucy and Rikki, which also doubles as the world - wide HQ of TruckNet UK

You should have given us a knock ( But not to hard) and we would have put the kettle over the candle :open_mouth: :smiley:

LMFAO when u getting the bell?, dont press to hard the front door will fall in :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice to see the pic of Chez Lucy and Rikki, which also doubles as the world - wide HQ of TruckNet UK

You should have given us a knock ( But not to hard) and we would have put the kettle over the candle

i like what you done with place rikki with swimming pool and the recently layed patio :smiley: :smiley: :wink:
