Some Jobs

Just found these two jobs while looking through the job websites. Don’t know if they will interest anyone but hopefully it might help someone get a job out there


London Recycling

Good Luck

Well done that man.

I particularly like the title “Collection Representatives” on the recycling job :slight_smile:

£125 bonus per week isn’t bad either, nearly as much as what I take home after the tax man’s had his wicked way with my payslip…

makes it roughly £327 a week which aint bad considering in todays climate. just a shame its in london but might help someone out!

drove past Pentons in Oswestry t’other day, they had a sign on fence advertising for drivers.

makes it roughly £327 a week which aint bad considering in todays climate. just a shame its in london but might help someone out!

Come on, you have to be joking me■■?

3663 is probab ly a good job as long as you dont mind a lot of handballing.


makes it roughly £327 a week which aint bad considering in todays climate. just a shame its in london but might help someone out!

Come on, you have to be joking me■■?

that is after tax!

drove past Pentons in Oswestry t’other day, they had a sign on fence advertising for drivers.

They never take that sign down as far as i am aware

makes it roughly £327 a week which aint bad considering in todays climate. just a shame its in london but might help someone out!

For what, 2 days■■?

Seriously it makes my blood boil that some MUPPETS are working for nothing!!