Some Jacks Hill photos

Some photos taken last Sunday.


Here’s the link:


Thanks for the link but I already knew that since I put it there in the first place.
I put the photos on a different topic because those who looked at the first topic might not realise there were photos on it.

Nice to see you there Alex I hope you enjoyed your day down here in the ‘mother country’. Seeing you there with Bob Rust, Glen McBirnie, Robin Masters and Dave Morgan made me feel quite young. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Take care my friend.


I thoroughly enjoyed myself at Jack’s Hill. Bob was astonished to see me when I walked through the door so I don’t think Glen told him I was coming.
And guess what?
Glen bought me a cup of tea! I never thought of it at the time but I should have taken a photo of it!
Seeing Glen, Robin, Bob, Mike (Ponsonby) and young Mike and lots of others, including yourself, really made my day.
I didn’t know Dave but I sure do now, I met him at M A Ponsonbys yard the next day so we will stay in touch.
He told me his darkest secret! People think he’s Welsh but he was born in Paisley.
I’ve attached a photo of Bob, Mike senior and myself from Sunday.
You take care and we’ll meet again sometime, good to renew the friendship.


Alex, Dave says he was born in Paisley but he is certainly blessed with the Welsh ‘gift of the gab’. Wonderful fellow. Congratulations on getting a cuppa out of Glen. Was it paid for with one of his notorious Scottish pound notes that he is rumoured to have. Its a real pleasure knowing these chaps.

I didn’t know Glen had Scottish Pound notes, I’ve never seen him take out his wallet!
Maybe he has a secret source of Tea!