Some fresh new blood coming into the Industry

Good to see the young’uns coming into our industry.

Fully CPC qualified, fresh, keen and enthusiastic and they will be plenty of jobs to go round. Especially when you dinosours hang your keys up in 2014. … driver-cpc

See, no shortage to worry about after all… :exclamation:

And we`ve also got the Croatians, Bulgarians, Romanians, Lituanians, Polish, and every other Top, ■■■■ and Harry that wants to join us, Lets see if theres enough jobs to go around then, by the way, when is the vote to get out of the EU, cant wait to sign, and for the next election when i can put my name down for the UKIP party as well, sort of kill 2 birds with one stone.

What driver shortage■■? :confused:

Rob i dont think there is or infact ever was!

Unless you are an agency…then they always have a shortage or so they lead people to believe :unamused:

Who is this Andrew Stone idiot? That’s the 2nd completely untrue article he’s churned out in as many weeks. :angry: Who pays them for writing that BS anyway? Scandalous. :angry:

We have a lot ofsquaddies being demobbed plus all of the new entrants to the E.U. as well as all of the police and fire personell who like to dabble with our toys on their days off.I cant see any reason for a driver shortage.

Says everything about Britain.They tell them to join the army when they leave school because it provides the best career ‘opportunities’.Then if they’re lucky they get sent to Afghan on a wild goose chase shooting the natives (taliban ) who are supposedly a threat to us but who are already here having been allowed in through our open door immigration policy.Then the ones who survive that are made redundant because the country can’t afford to maintain it’s armed forces,having closed down it’s wealth creating manufacturing industry,and told that truck driving is going to be the next great career move.In an environment where the government openly hates the industry in favour of rail.While the east europeans do most of the work left that’s worth having anyway.Which just leaves mostly agency work doing local multi drop,building deliveries or supermarket distribution.If it was me I’d be asking for training as a train driver with guaranteed job placement.Somehow I’m betting the answer would be no chance. :smiling_imp: :unamused: :laughing:

Why are Skills for Logistics getting involved in the training of military or even former military personal, is there nothing this government sponsored quango won’t do to get more government funding, (for “government funding” read “tax-payers funding”).


There’s a few to get your teeth into, at least four that are still open for applications!

I’m currently ‘within the process’…

Rob i dont think there is or infact ever was!

Unless you are an agency…then they always have a shortage or so they lead people to believe :unamused:

It’s a shame that non of these ‘journalists’ have ever felt compelled to ask actual industry insiders (ie. the drivers doing the job) what the situation is regarding jobs and pay. I bet they would struggle to find one with a view that stacks up against the ■■■■■■■■ in agencies press releases.

  • tim

I think its brilliant, its like Help for Heros. Keep these guys in employment, they protected our freedoms and now it looks like they can help industry shortfalls and maybe pull us out of a rescession.Everyones a winner!!! :laughing: :laughing:

Why do ex armed forces get so quickly shipped into new careers that they’re quite often not suited to? Many of my previous co-workers (in a mainly customer service role) were ex-forces and by their own admission were fast tracked into their current roles through government schemes.
Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

When someone tells you to jump, you’ve already been indoctrinated into saying “how high?”.

Much more malleable, carries out orders without question, always smartly dressed and used to getting paid peanuts for being on call twenty-four hours a day.

What’s not for an employer to like?

Why do ex armed forces get so quickly shipped into new careers that they’re quite often not suited to? Many of my previous co-workers (in a mainly customer service role) were ex-forces and by their own admission were fast tracked into their current roles through government schemes.
Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

Disciplined, reliable, punctual, good appearance and most importantly the main reason because they will be given instructions and won’t answer back. Especially the young ones who have been regimented since they were 18.


Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

When someone tells you to jump, you’ve already been indoctrinated into saying “how high?”.

Much more malleable, carries out orders without question, always smartly dressed and used to getting paid peanuts for being on call twenty-four hours a day.

What’s not for an employer to like?

That’s what I assumed they thought but the biggest skivers/complainers/horrible to the customers/dressed like a tramp/make life difficult for everyone-ers were all ex forces. I have nothing but respect for those that have served but I’ve been stuck with a lot of ■■■■■ that should never have been employed in the first place.
Sound ideal for this industry.



Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

When someone tells you to jump, you’ve already been indoctrinated into saying “how high?”.

Much more malleable, carries out orders without question, always smartly dressed and used to getting paid peanuts for being on call twenty-four hours a day.

What’s not for an employer to like?

That’s what I assumed they thought but the biggest skivers/complainers/horrible to the customers/dressed like a tramp/make life difficult for everyone-ers were all ex forces. I have nothing but respect for those that have served but I’ve been stuck with a lot of [zb] that should never have been employed in the first place.
Sound ideal for this industry.

You must have come across a lot of NCO’s… :laughing:

No shortage of drivers but there’ll be a big shortage of trucks soon if they get ex-forces driving them as they’ll all be in the bodyshop waiting to be repaired.




Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

When someone tells you to jump, you’ve already been indoctrinated into saying “how high?”.

Much more malleable, carries out orders without question, always smartly dressed and used to getting paid peanuts for being on call twenty-four hours a day.

What’s not for an employer to like?

That’s what I assumed they thought but the biggest skivers/complainers/horrible to the customers/dressed like a tramp/make life difficult for everyone-ers were all ex forces. I have nothing but respect for those that have served but I’ve been stuck with a lot of [zb] that should never have been employed in the first place.
Sound ideal for this industry.

You must have come across a lot of NCO’s… :laughing:




Why does being ex forces make you more appealing to employ? Reliability?

When someone tells you to jump, you’ve already been indoctrinated into saying “how high?”.

Much more malleable, carries out orders without question, always smartly dressed and used to getting paid peanuts for being on call twenty-four hours a day.

What’s not for an employer to like?

That’s what I assumed they thought but the biggest skivers/complainers/horrible to the customers/dressed like a tramp/make life difficult for everyone-ers were all ex forces. I have nothing but respect for those that have served but I’ve been stuck with a lot of [zb] that should never have been employed in the first place.
Sound ideal for this industry.

You must have come across a lot of NCO’s… :laughing:

Hmm. Yes now you mention it. Point well made. Always wondered why they hated me showing how to do things properly. Assumed it was my boyish good looks.

Rob K:
No shortage of drivers but there’ll be a big shortage of trucks soon if they get ex-forces driving them as they’ll all be in the bodyshop waiting to be repaired.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: lol, why what’s wrong with ex forces drivers?