Solved- Belgian road tax

Can anyone give me some advice on where and how to buy the required road tax for Belgium on arrival at Zeebrugge, we are then to travel on to France!
Can this be bought somehow prior to departing from the UK


See my latest post in your first thread mate.

i have heard you can get them at dover when you book in and a elf truck stop in calais

You’re right, you can buy Belgian Road Tax from the P&O booths at Dover. Don’t know whether you can buy them from the SeaFrance booths as I’ve never used them.

There is also a MSA on the main drag between Calais and Belgium where you can buy it - modern looking place thats just been built. Bought road tax from there on Christmas Day because nowhere was open in Folkestone.

You are both right.

Problem is that Stuboy is sailing from Rosyth to Zeebrugge :smiley: .
These posts were extras basically, his question was answered here, whilst he was posting this one :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

Oops… ! Didn’t read the post properly !!!

May I recommend a long tour of the site :question:
There is a lot of different stuff in here, it might also save some unnecessary questions later on :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :blush:

May I recommend a long tour of the site ?
There is a lot of different stuff in here, it might also save some unnecessary questions later on

Seeing that the site is quite big, do you want us to read absolutely everything and not post anything due to the lack of time or quickly scan the messages so we have the time to post as well ? A fat lot of good this site will be if nobody posts replies. Furthermore, someone else who read the threads may be wondering how to get Belgian Road Tax at Dover or Calais; it saves that individual time trawling through this expansive site looking for that particular information on another thread !

There is a site search facility.

yuo are better off getting your vignette in dover as the system breaks down over in calais regularly,in zeebrugge the total is reliable,but still safer getting it in the uk,when and if the belgians ask you to see it,broken down machines wont be accepted,they still fine you.

After you come off the boat in zeebruge you can get Belgium tax at the Texaco (Total, Simon :blush: ) next to the transportzone its open 24hrs 7 days a week

Please read all the posts in a thread, before posting a reply. The original question was answered over 2 months ago. :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing:
Also, as has already been pointed out, the man is sailing from Rosyth, which has no facility for buying the vignette. :blush: