Software recommendations

Hi All,

My licence decision date is getting close now, so I’m trying to put the pieces of the jigsaw together ready for me to start operations as soon as my licence is granted.

I’d like to canvas opinion on the best software to use for the following;

Driver and Vehicle tachograph download and analysis

Vehicle tracking (google maps integration?)

Route planning

Many thanks,


Thanks for these posts Steve, plenty of us trying to get all the pieces together just before getting the go ahead. I was wondering about hardware and software myself only last week. I spoke to the guy who I did my transport cpc with. He had several packages. I think I’ll go with the top notch one of £500 quid for the year, includes hardware and downloads and analysis, and of course he goes in other firms that might come in handy for getting my foot in the door, and he’s on the end of the phone anytime. Also he gets your office working towards looking somewhere near looking right for the inevitable dvsa meet and will be present for that too.
Keep up the posts about yards, phone , etc etc,

Thanks in advance


Driver and Vehicle tachograph download and analysis, i use TMS in nottingham spot on :sunglasses:

Vehicle tracking (google maps integration?) pinpointers

Route planning, google maps or autoroute

Thanks for your input :slight_smile: