me personally I will do whatever the company wants me to do Monday to whenever but I do insist on a 45 hour rest to get my self recharged for the week ahead im a tramper so I don’t see any point sitting in some truck park or lay-by when I can be working ?
me personally I will do whatever the company wants me to do Monday to whenever but I do insist on a 45 hour rest to get my self recharged for the week ahead im a tramper so I don’t see any point sitting in some truck park or lay-by when I can be working ?
Tramping - I only needed 9 off but if at base it was 11 minimum
me personally I will do whatever the company wants me to do Monday to whenever but I do insist on a 45 hour rest to get my self recharged for the week ahead im a tramper so I don’t see any point sitting in some truck park or lay-by when I can be working ?Tramping - I only needed 9 off but if at base it was 11 minimum
even at base I will take what I can legally do I wont go home during a working week because I don’t see the point of wasting time driving home and then getting up early to drive back again ?
me personally I will do whatever the company wants me to do Monday to whenever but I do insist on a 45 hour rest to get my self recharged for the week ahead im a tramper so I don’t see any point sitting in some truck park or lay-by when I can be working ?Tramping - I only needed 9 off but if at base it was 11 minimum
even at base I will take what I can legally do I wont go home during a working week because I don’t see the point of wasting time driving home and then getting up early to drive back again ?
Done that myself a few times - slept in lorry at base
You missing the coop dan the man
Would you like a tired LGV driver near you on the road?Hats to break it to you but we all have tired drivers around us, all the time. Life is tiring.
As for OP, just comes across as a typical awkward driver to me. In my driving career Ive found one life changing fact, 90% of the time if you work with your employer and not against him it makes your working life happier and more enjoyable. One 9 isn’t the end of the world
We seem to be wasting our time on this one Luke. People like us who actually get on and do what we’re paid for, are just labelled “lick arses” in the eyes of the unionised jobs for the boys brigade that we share the forum with. Whatever next? A thread titled “My boss asked me to take a load to London, the bloody cheek of him!!!”
We seem to be wasting our time on this one Luke
Missing the main issue - which do you put first - safety or job ? = choose
We seem to be wasting our time on this one LukeMissing the main issue - which do you put first - safety or job ? = choose
Not missing anything. If he felt unsafe reducing he should have parked up on 13 hours. I fail to see how a 9 would make you feel unsafe. Just my opinion of course
We seem to be wasting our time on this one LukeMissing the main issue - which do you put first - safety or job ? = choose
Not missing anything. If he felt unsafe reducing he should have parked up on 13 hours. I fail to see how a 9 would make you feel unsafe. Just my opinion of course
You are still missing the point - the length of a shift has nothing to do with what the driver requires as a minimum amount of time off
It seems you are confusing the regs rest period with time off
I think the whole issue the op is talking about isn’t safety related but the fact that he wants the right to choose if he does a 9 or 11 without the boss telling him what he as to do , unfortunately its not as simple as im doing this or doing that anymore and not many companies give the choice but I can see it from both points of view.
I’m not confusing it at all. It’s like this. 13 hour shift, 9 off, not a reasonable request. 13-15 hour shift, 9 off, a reasonable request. The driver comes across as a Dr Do little friday afternoon cinderella. Any lorry driver who feels unsafe to have 9 off is in tge wrong job. Either stick to agency or skips etc where short shifts are the norm, or get out of the industry.
I think the whole issue the op is talking about isn’t safety related but the fact that he wants the right to choose if he does a 9 or 11 without the boss telling him what he as to do , unfortunately its not as simple as im doing this or doing that anymore and not many companies give the choice but I can see it from both points of view.
Its not the companies choice to make - its the choice of the driver
The company are within legal rights to plan a reduced daily rest if the driver has one available but its up to the driver to decide if it is safe to do and safety over-rides legality - the regs themselves make a big point of stating that everything is based on safety
Any lorry driver who feels unsafe to have 9 off is in tge wrong job. Either stick to agency or skips etc where short shifts are the norm, or get out of the industry.
So you are saying that every driver who needs a good 8 hour sleep cannot be in this industry ? - how ridiculous does that sound?
Your employer can ask you to reduce to 9 hours rest 3 times per week. All this how dare they, it’s my discretion is total BS.
You can say no at your discretion but you may not have a job next week. Simples.
Just to add, if you work in airy fairy land for a wonderful employer, this sort of part timery may fly (& great if it does) but if you’re in proper haulage, you’d get laughed out the yard.
Any lorry driver who feels unsafe to have 9 off is in tge wrong job. Either stick to agency or skips etc where short shifts are the norm, or get out of the industry.So you are saying that every driver who needs a good 8 hour sleep cannot be in this industry ? - how ridiculous does that sound?
Not saying that at all, please read the post again. They need to be in a job that doesn’t work max hours. They have that choice, as we all do. But you shouldn’t go into a job and start laying down terms and conditions that don’t fit with the way the company run. I’ve deduced from your signature that you are a gentleman of advancing years, whereas the op is considerably younger, you may need 8 hours a night, I’m not as “mature as you” so have no idea. However I am a little older than the op so know that if he needs 8 hours a night, he has a chance of an underlying health issue and should get checked out. However, this doesn’t come across as a safety issue, more a chip on the shoulder issue
Your employer can ask you to reduce to 9 hours rest 3 times per week. All this how dare they, it’s my discretion is total BS.You can say no at your discretion but you may not have a job next week. Simples.
Then you take them to tribunal and win because an employer cannot make a driver drive when tired/unsafe especially when the company can put themselves into the realms of the corporate responsibility laws
Your employer can ask you to reduce to 9 hours rest 3 times per week. All this how dare they, it’s my discretion is total BS.You can say no at your discretion but you may not have a job next week. Simples.
Just to add, if you work in airy fairy land for a wonderful employer, this sort of part timery may fly (& great if it does) but if you’re in proper haulage, you’d get laughed out the yard.
Here here, I was wondering where all the common sense posters were lurking
But you shouldn’t go into a job and start laying down terms and conditions that don’t fit with the way the company run
which is exactly what I said about discussing this at interview so both sides know where they stand - conflict only comes about when its left too late
The type of job the OP does needs considering; Is it trunking with lots of waiting around or is there lots of handball involved? If it’s like my last job 9 hours is sod all rest.
Dan1986, get onto Earthline I’m getting 14.5 hour rest periods everyday this week, and in the door by 5pm.
Like ROG said, some people need 8 hours sleep. I do, many other people do, but some get by on 6 or 7.
Being a bit of a night owl myself, a couple of months ago I was staying at my boyfriends house ( who lives 30 miles away), went to bed at my usual time,etc. 7:15 next morning I was rudely woken up by the workmen next door, banging, hammering and using their nice quiet power tools. No option but to get the hell up out of bed Later that day, had to go out, coming back to his house approaching some traffic lights at red, and my wing mirror hit someone elses wing mirror ( who was parked on road)
No damage due to slow speed, but am sure that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been as tired as ■■■■■