So where's the fuel protests this time then?

Unleaded has crept back to above 80p per gallon. Is it just me or was it at about this price level that the fuel protests started last time. If so has it gone unnoticed this time (I think not) or are people willing to just accept it because they’ve got used to it/don’t care about it :open_mouth:.

Most likely the latter. I might protest, I’m having to pay 44 ppl (inc VAT) at the moment. :angry: :smiling_imp: :imp: :wink:

protest…UR AVING A GIRAFFE RNT U…heheheheheheheheheheheheh

Its like everything else at the moment, you become immune to the subtlty of govt stealth taxation that before you know it, youv’e paid thousands in without knowing it!! : :imp: :imp:

Unleaded has crept back to above 80p per gallon. Is it just me or was it at about this price level that the fuel protests started last time. If so has it gone unnoticed this time (I think not) or are people willing to just accept it because they’ve got used to it/don’t care about it :open_mouth:.

Big one EVERY protest needs a good leader would you like to volunteer?.

i know you would have the full support of EVERY trucknet member and a whole lot of other people besides that, its not just trucks this time lets do it with the cars as well so Tony B-liar gets the message once and for all.

If its not you does anyone else fancy doing it?, i am behind whoever wants to do it all the way.


Unleaded has crept back to above 80p per gallon. Is it just me or was it at about this price level that the fuel protests started last time. If so has it gone unnoticed this time (I think not) or are people willing to just accept it because they’ve got used to it/don’t care about it :open_mouth:.

Big one EVERY protest needs a good leader would you like to volunteer?.

I would love to do something about it Jammy - but I’m not sure I have the necessary to be quite honest and I dropped a slight bollock. It’s now over 80p a litre - I dread to think how much it costs per gallon.

Coffe, out of interest do you have to pay the VAT when you actually buy fuel or by a due date?

i think it works out at about £3.60 a gallon

It’s now over 80p a litre - I dread to think how much it costs per gallon.

£3.64 approx.


Unleaded has crept back to above 80p per gallon. Is it just me or was it at about this price level that the fuel protests started last time. If so has it gone unnoticed this time (I think not) or are people willing to just accept it because they’ve got used to it/don’t care about it :open_mouth:.

Big one EVERY protest needs a good leader would you like to volunteer?.

i know you would have the full support of EVERY trucknet member and a whole lot of other people besides that, its not just trucks this time lets do it with the cars as well so Tony B-liar gets the message once and for all.

If its not you does anyone else fancy doing it?, i am behind whoever wants to do it all the way.

I nominate you jammymutt, we will all be behind you 100%…put your money where your mouth is sunshine :wink:

looks like you have the job jammy… what next… :wink: :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In short, nobody cares,everyone likes to moan,no-one likes to act,thats why there’s no fuel protest.

As far as I’m concerned,if the Government are stupid enough to tax businesses into extinction, they will eventually reap the rewards.

Those who care will get off their backsides and act, those who don’t ( the majority) will not! :cry:

Unleaded has crept back to above 80p per gallon. Is it just me or was it at about this price level that the fuel protests started last time. If so has it gone unnoticed this time (I think not) or are people willing to just accept it because they’ve got used to it/don’t care about it :open_mouth:.

To be honest, I think people are just plain punchdrunk bigone, I mean that whatever people want, they do what the hell they like to us whatever, it dont give you much faith that bothering is worth a ■■■■ sometimes. But, it needs us to remember that we could change the robbery, it just needs enough people to do it.


Mike Lewis:
In short, nobody cares,everyone likes to moan,no-one likes to act,thats why there’s no fuel protest.

As far as I’m concerned,if the Government are stupid enough to tax businesses into extinction, they will eventually reap the rewards.

Those who care will get off their backsides and act, those who don’t ( the majority) will not! :cry:

Starting to look like a 2 headed cobra, Mike Lewis / Jammymutt.
Go for it boys, we will follow where you lead

Mike Lewis:
In short, nobody cares,everyone likes to moan,no-one likes to act,thats why there’s no fuel protest.

As far as I’m concerned,if the Government are stupid enough to tax businesses into extinction, they will eventually reap the rewards.

Those who care will get off their backsides and act, those who don’t ( the majority) will not! :cry:

I’ll give the current government some credit here and say that the war in Iraq has pushed oil prices up - even the US is stockpiling the stuff. The thing is it’s not doing much good for the owner operator and everyone else, at the end of the day it’s our job’s that are affected - everyones. Tax is still too high on it - how much tax are we paying per litre?. What needs to be done is get the people who have the I’m allright jack attitude to see what it’s doing to them and then just maybe something would get done.

looks like you have the job jammy… what next… :wink: :wink:

Unfortunately I am not a leader but a follower theres nothing i would like more than to be a part of it, however if you want me to do it heres the plan EVERYONE to downing street monday morning 8am block EVERY concievable entrance and road around it lock your truck and go to the pub then you cant mov e it for 24 hours.

ALL IN?>:).

Coffe, out of interest do you have to pay the VAT when you actually buy fuel or by a due date?

You pay the VAT when you buy the fuel. In the UK you would then take that VAT into account when completing your quarterly VAT return and deduct it from the VAT you owe.

For fuel purchases in Europe you can claim the VAT back and the easiest way is to use an agent, they take a percentage of the amount they claim back. You normally get it paid back a couple of times a year from each country, some are quicker than others and Italy is very slow at refunding. The agents take around 10% commission.

A lot of the fuel cards now operate some sort of net invoicing were you get the VAT back quickly, with Euroshell I get the VAT back from one issue of invoices with the next issue two weeks later. The commission is a little higher for this and varies depending which country the refund is from and is based on how quick they usually refund. In the case of Euroshell it varies between 12/13% up to 24% for Italy. I feel the extra commission is worth it for not having to wait months or even years to get the refund.


looks like you have the job jammy… what next… :wink: :wink:

Unfortunately I am not a leader but a follower theres nothing i would like more than to be a part of it, however if you want me to do it heres the plan EVERYONE to downing street monday morning 8am block EVERY concievable entrance and road around it lock your truck and go to the pub then you cant mov e it for 24 hours.

ALL IN?>:).

Stand up man, you seem keen to push someone else to the front so they can get shot first !!
If you really want to kick it off we will all stand behind you 100% provided it is managed with a true heart & not some ulterior hidden motive like last time with the [zb] dairy farmers, we are not (nor have we ever been) anyones fool or anyones army.
Handled correctly we could win a battle for EVERY roaduser & every taxpayer with knock on effects for their dependants & pensioners too because we truly do have the ultimate power to stop this country in its tracks.
There is not a union I (or many others) would subscribe to (most pay this government) so they are out of the question, being in your superior location Jammymutt (Newark, ideally positioned) I propose you put your head on the block / stand up & be counted.
There are plenty of very sensible people on this forum that have long histories in the UK haulage industry who would happily advise you, dont be a follower, lead as you would be led.

OK thats my rallying cry, c’mon folks, somebody crown Jammymutt before he gets chance to run away :laughing:


looks like you have the job jammy… what next… :wink: :wink:

Unfortunately I am not a leader but a follower theres nothing i would like more than to be a part of it, however if you want me to do it heres the plan EVERYONE to downing street monday morning 8am block EVERY concievable entrance and road around it lock your truck and go to the pub then you cant mov e it for 24 hours.

ALL IN?>:).

Not really very sensible Jammy, will you be down the smoke with your motor 8am on monday? nope :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The Person or Persons who lead a revolt needs to be a special kind of person(not that I am saying Jammy isn’t a special kinda person :open_mouth: ) but it needs to be someone who is pro-active and has a foot board in the way the Press works!

The Press are waiting for this to start up again and would be willing to provide as much free advertising than you can shake a stick at :open_mouth:

But if it does start this time we should fight for all thats wrong in this industry not just for a few quid for your bosses, but better standards and wages for the drivers.
Most bosses would be happy for us to join this action untill it came to the improvements the Drivers wanted! then it would be back to work lads (& lasses)