So..... where was I?

OK then anyone know where this is?

Gatcombe park?

Dunno where that is, so unfortunately not. :laughing:

Joking aside, it looks like one of those imaginary places.
The canal reminds me of Luiewdorp.The bollards could be the aproach to the the Ternhouzen tunnel?
Hanger Lane Gyratory? :laughing:

Stay with the Hanger Lane thought, you’re in the right city.

Dunno where that was mate but what about your drivers blog…was the last one in october last year? Really enjoyed reading them and the loading advice in the toolbox bit was ace.Keep em up mate :wink: :wink:


would that be anything to do with the diana walks ■■

Dunno where that was mate but what about your drivers blog…was the last one in october last year? Really enjoyed reading them and the loading advice in the toolbox bit was ace.Keep em up mate


Things were very quiet in October last year, and it got to the point where job preservation seemed like a better cause than writing a blog, sort of out of the habit now.

I did post a one day diary here recently.

As far as I know it’s nothing to do with Diana but there is a royal connection.

Hampton Court Park?

Yes Hampton Ct.

Yes Hampton Ct.

Sounds painfull :smiley:

i didnt know where it was but i could do with borrowing his lawn-mower, its done a better job than mine has today :smiley: :smiley: :imp: :imp: