So they is no money in Transport?

Let us banish the word (zb) . I must stress I use it hesitatingly, without prejudice, or even mild irritation, that people who are often called (zb’s) …no I can’t bring my self to use the word, it really isn’t fit to grace the pages of such an esteemed website as this, such an offensive word, a word used in anger, or thoughtlessness, under stress, perhaps, used by those who should know better, by unfortunate folk, decent people, driven by the trials and tribulations of everyday life, through no fault of their own.

'Tis a far far better thing to refer to fork-lift drivers as pillocks.

lol@ jammy…ok here is the english version… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: …surely people are not morons just because they dont earn vast amounts of money… not all people live or work in high paid area,s…and i think it a little harsh to call people morons because of what they do or do not earn…
Just my ever criticle /argumentive/ view…as some would have you believe… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Gross profit margin of (I think, its too early/late/whatever) 2.9% Not much.

Thanks Qhunter,

Well at 2.9% they would be better off selling up and banking the money!!!

The biggest problem here is that it ends up being anything to keep the wheels turning.

It is time these big companies stopped [zb]ing about and quoting silly rates for the job, we all know they run the trucks at a loss to earn a crust out of the warehousing etc.

If I had a profit margin of 2.9% I would sell up tomorrow.


What I was getting at is

Profits from its UK and Ireland business rose 16% in the final six months of last year

Anyone know of any member of staff apart from the mega rich Directors (who are only good for a game of golf) that got 16% pay rise for the last 6 months?

They only made £148million profit last year :open_mouth: :imp:

I know its not only Transport but as far as I can see its only Transport that pays £6-£8 per hour for its key workers!

By definition, each industry pays its key workers the minimum wage it can get away with under normal market conditions. You could say a tractor driver on a fruit farm is a key worker, but he’s not even on 6 quid an hour.

Ever tried supply teaching? Surely that’s a key worker sort of job. Security?? forget it. Training? Forget it. Low pay? Yes sir!! Working conditions? Try an inner-city sec modern for a version of purgatory.

That’s why nurses, teachers, dentists and so on come almost exclusively from low-wage countries, and that’s what is going to happen with trucking jobs very soon.
Wait till May 1st when the Poles and whatnot are legally allowed in. We’ll have thousands of Eastern European drivers living in minibuses and squalid shared flats all over the country.