Why is it that no matter wherever you go Truck Drivers are always moaning about something !!..If you don’t like the Job leave. It really is that simple…The amount of Drivers that keep banging on about delays at RDC’S is quite frankly very boring…go do something else!!..There are jobs that don’t involve going to such places…Moaning about the hours you do to…go work in a warehouse or even an RDC…No wonder no new blood is coming into this industry if all they hear is a Negative attitude to the life of a Truck Driver…I for one Really enjoy my job as a class 1 Driver, sure there are a few litttle niggles but the positives definately outweigh the Negatives…
Oh stop moaning…
RDC’s seem a particular favourite though, surely they can’t all be bad.
Best time of year to be a trucker, quite possibly the best job in the world.
Said this before; the time to worry is when all drivers STOP moaning.
How ironic
Why is it that no matter wherever you go Truck Drivers are always moaning about something !!..If you don’t like the berrrrrrrrrbbbbbb…ocks…
When I did my class one - the first lesson was on the ins and outs of moaning. The second lesson was how to give the W*nker signal to all other road users. 3rd- why all other road users are all empty headed bafoons. 4th - Why all workers at Hubs/RDC’s are self important pumped up little oxygen thieves who wish they were drivers. 5th- Where the canteen is. 6th- Where the bogs are.
All truck drivers have a right to moan, that’s in the highway code. Small print in the back… take a look.
If you suffered such places and the people employed there then you too would slowly lose interest. The problem with our job is that it tends to pay more than we would earn elsewhere and we also work such long hours that it is difficult to find the time to look for another job let alone get time off to attend the 7 day assessment and 3 week interview.
Well what set me off today was some so called ‘manager’ telling me that so long as easyjet and the like exist there will NEVER be a shortage of drivers (or any sort of cheap unskilled labour) because they would pay for flights if need be to get them here!
And the government wonders why nobody wants to work anymore! I’ll gladly take early retirement to give a young person my job if they want it.
I have suffered such places…waiting is part of the job surely…while your waiting your not doing anything else. so why it stressess so many drivers out is beyond me…
If you suffered such places and the people employed there then you too would slowly lose interest. The problem with our job is that it tends to pay more than we would earn elsewhere and we also work such long hours that it is difficult to find the time to look for another job let alone get time off to attend the 7 day assessment and 3 week interview.
Oh stop moaning…RDC’s seem a particular favourite though, surely they can’t all be bad.
Best time of year to be a trucker, quite possibly the best job in the world.
yeah been to some good and some bad, but why let it get to you…
and here’s me thining i’m the only one who likes Trucking for a living
What else they gonna talk about?knitting patterns? Everyone likes a good moan really. Just ignore them or stand outside if you don’t want to hear it, like I do!
Why is it that no matter wherever you go Truck Drivers are always moaning about something !!..If you don’t like the Job leave. It really is that simple…
In one sense it’s a way to bond with strangers, a subconscious effort to display to those around you that you’re part of the same club. People like a myriad of different things, so it’s often easier to find something negative to agree on.
A person could come up to me in an waiting room and say “Cor, that new N-Dubz song is awesome, been playing it all day” at which point I would say “wouldn’t know, I’m into metal, have an Amon Amarth CD on the go at the minute” We establish a difference between us and the conversation stops dead.
Now, if the same guy comes in and says “Bloody cyclists, had one just fly out infront of me on a roundabout”. Cyclists, as this site shows, are a general thorn in the side of lorry drivers, so it’s a safe bet I can relate. I’d then say “Yeah, one of the suicidal ■■■■■■■■ came up the inside of me when turning left the other day, need keeping off the road the lot of them.” Bingo, we’ve achieved common ground, a conversation will now probably ensue. It’s sort of the same reason why Stobarts are so universally disliked, even by those who have no reason to. A herd mentality, it creates an “us vs them” scenario.
The reason this becomes so tedious is because we don’t just see the same faces over and over, generally you’re constantly meeting new people, so the common ground dance gets repeated over and over again. It’s all done subconsciously though, so the initiating moaners probably aren’t even aware they are doing it.
One of the biggest moans I hear is the fact that drivers are sat in a waiting room or waiting for the allocated lorry to come back in. It seems to be all about waiting or working for 15 hours.
Somehow working and waiting gets them confused. If you are paid from when you arrive on site, those 5 hours reading your book or playing on TNUK is a bonus.
Why is it that no matter wherever you go Truck Drivers are always moaning about something !!..If you don’t like the Job leave. It really is that simple…
This was not a moan…It was in fact a question that I thought I would ask after hearing so many Drivers mention that they were unhappy with facilities and pay etc etc.
The Pariah:
In one sense it’s a way to bond with strangers, a subconscious effort to display to those around you that you’re part of the same club. People like a myriad of different things, so it’s often easier to find something negative to agree on.
Which is precisely why you won’t find me talking to people in waiting rooms/ferries/trains/airports/toilets/pubs/hotels etc etc if I don’t already know them.
I’m not interested in their lives or the day/week/month they’ve just had. I don’t care. I wouldn’t impose my moans on others so I would like others not to do it to me. I’ve heard all the stupid stories too many times and I’m old enough now to know that you don’t have to grin and bear it.
I don’t very often go in rdc these days,but it must have changed a lot in the last year,all I remember was driver crashed out on benches,seats trying to grab a few winks,all this talk of loads of drivers moaning ,think its drivers just jumping on the band waggon ,I sat in avonmouth a week or two ago,they were crashed out everywhere,exactly what I did,I suggest the ones who hear all this supposed moaning,get there heads down as well,then they won’t here anything
I’m old enough now to know that you don’t have to grin and bear it.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This, tenfold! A while ago it occurred to me that statistically speaking I have less days left than I’ve already had. This led to my idiot tolerance factor dropping dramatically. It’s not unusual now for me to stand up and walk away from someone as they’re mid sentence!
I love RDC work. If I don’t get to spend at least 2 hours resting at an RDC I’ve had a bad day