So much hate … 845587191/

pxxxks just a sad little man,we should pity him or laugh at him,obviously not the full ticket

Hopefully this post is the last one on this thread. Anyone commenting on this crap is simply feeding the tools.


There are 3 options. Someone who set up that Sh**Book page is:

  1. Wannabe trucker but unfortunately failed too many class 2 test attempts. So had to give up dreams about driving an artic.
  2. His wife/gf/bf? run away with some trucker.
  3. Both of above
    His followers are kinda same. Just let’s them carry on with their support group.


  1. He is working trucker just out for fun and knows full well that everyone is just going to feed him all the ammo he needs to keep on winding everyone up :wink:

Comedy gold.


  1. He is working trucker just out for fun and knows full well that everyone is just going to feed him all the ammo he needs to keep on winding everyone up :wink:

^^that :sunglasses:


  1. He is working trucker just out for fun and knows full well that everyone is just going to feed him all the ammo he needs to keep on winding everyone up :wink:


Love it some great stuff on that page.

It could be the new application criteria for the green army lol

It is boredwithdrivin’s blog…

There is as much hate on Facebook at our place but that is the drivers having a go at the planners…

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

What a knob head :laughing:

…And I never gave him permission to use my photograph - or my wifes !!!

Some of those photo’s looked to have been edited to me - surely nobody can have a crap that big can they.

I’m only objecting to the way it all false-page-formatted my regular FB messages. :unamused:

You can stick any anti what ever group on Facebook it will get followers, most for a laugh and the odd one with murderous intent.
I shall start an anti Benidorm one, might keep the knob head stag parties away.

Nooooo not Benidorm please, unless you mean the TV show which is pants IMO.

On a side note I once touched Sticky Vicky’s lightbulb during the pre-insertion test she does.

Some pure gold response’s on there hahahaha

BUT the person behind it best be well hidden as I feel they will be pulverized if revealed…

pxxxks just a sad little man,we should pity him or laugh at him,obviously not the full ticket

This +1.
regards dave.