So I thought I'd make a diary

Hey all you truckers out there,

I’ve posted a couple of threads already about getting into the industry and now I’m going to make a diary for other newbies and new license holders.

My progress so far is medical, provisional and theory all done. I have been out for an assessment drive today in a 13tonne Mercedes, it was a rigid but had a wag n drag set up for C+E training. range change box and that was a big eye opener as I have never driven anything like that but got the hang of it in the end. I went out for 2 hours with an instructor, completely free aswell :slight_smile:

I will be booking my week training and test in the next 2-3 weeks.


Best of luck with it.

Good luck! If you jump straight into work in say an 18 tonner, don’t be expecting it to handle the same as this one as the wheelbase is much larger :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah I know that :slight_smile: but it’ll all be a steep learning curve. But will post more of test and progress on getting a job and the trucks ill be driving.

All the best with your training matey. Enjoy it if you can as it makes it easier. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah I know that :slight_smile: but it’ll all be a steep learning curve. But will post more of test and progress on getting a job and the trucks ill be driving.

I learned in one of them. It was a nice little wagon to drive and the limiter is handy. I had no bother jumping into an 18 or 24t afterwards, as any new vehicle you treat with suspicion for the first few miles! Best of luck with your training.

Thank you,

Yeah it was a nice tidy truck. I know it will be different going into something alot larger, but as you said treat every new truck with respect. I found the range change a bit daunting for the first 5-10mins or so but once you know how it works its all good.

Looking forward to getting in again for my week training and test, then into the real world.

Just a small update for you all.

I passed my theory with flying colours yesterday, first time, and will be booking my week intensive at the beginning of August if all plans go well financially.

Just a small update for you all.

I passed my theory with flying colours yesterday, first time, and will be booking my week intensive at the beginning of August if all plans go well financially.

Well done mate. First job done! Now let’s hope you do the same on the practical tests, eh? :sunglasses:

So it’s now official, I have booked my Class C training and test for the week commencing the 5th August with a test on the 9th. I will have about 22 hours in total driving time before my test, all going well I shall pass 1st time. I will be driving in and around the Birmingham area, any advice on routes or areas as I havent driven around there before.

So it’s now official, I have booked my Class C training and test for the week commencing the 5th August with a test on the 9th. I will have about 22 hours in total driving time before my test, all going well I shall pass 1st time. I will be driving in and around the Birmingham area, any advice on routes or areas as I havent driven around there before.

I thought that Birmingham test centre had closed? :confused:

Anyway, good luck with it mate. :sunglasses:

I’m not sure exactly where it is. But instructor said its south Birmingham. Anyways slight change of plan due to work changing my rota and not allowing me my days off when i needed them. I have had to change my test to the end of August… 29th :frowning: Ages away.

All I want to do is drive and be out on the open road :frowning:

Ok ladies and gents,

I have started my training, started on Thursday, arrived at 8:00am in Redditch and off we went, I drove up to Shirley, Solihull, acocks green, stopped at Garretts Green test station for a coffee and some tips, then off again into Erdington and onto the Tyburn road. Absolutely loving learning to drive, first day I was abit shaken by a really horrible tight left hander on a down hill slope, couldnt get the positioning right with the oncoming traffic and it being quite blind. Drove around the rest of the day, abit hesitant on gaps and how long a bus would be pulled into a bus stop. But all in all a very enjoyable day.

2nd day… After a good nights sleep and some fat bacon butties in the morning off I went again for my 2nd day (Friday)
Same areas apart from Erdington / Tyburn road etc Felt a lot more comftorable with the truck and confident on my spacial awareness. Just having to remember to check my left mirror on apparoach to an island, when stopped and when I pull off. Road positioning and cornering a lot better today. Have my reversing training on Tuesday, more driving around Garretts Green etc and test at 8:00am on Thursday.

WIsh me luck and I will keep you updated, I have put together a C.V and convering letter ready in anticipation of a pass next week.

Good Luck with the test mate.

I’m just about to head off for my first days training, test at the end of the week I guess.


A nice update for you guys…

I PASSED!!! Yesterday. 5 minors for silly mistakes that I shouldn’t have made but I was a bag of nerves. All in all verry happy with the result. Just got my Mod 4 to do and I will be out and about.

secondly, I went into a local firm last week before passing asking about jobs nad they said to go back when i have passed my test and they would discuss any jobs then. So I went back yesterday with pass certificate in hand, they took my C.V and details, I explained that i need to do my Mod 4 and they said as soon as I have that to come straight back as they can see how keen I am to start driving seeing as I went back the day I passed.

Well done!
Good luck with Mod 4!
Mario :wink: