snowy roads

Well i was really lucky last night started to snow an hour from home on a34 and managed to get back so was in bed by 0130 and woke up to lots more snow here in Berkshire taken the decision that as a new driver think im gonna sit the rest of this out I dont think im experienced enough to get meself out of trouble and would rather live another day than attempt the roads mabe im a wimp but will be a living wimp so everyone who has more guts than me please take care out there and come home safe !

take care
all the best
Jennie x

Well i was really lucky last night started to snow an hour from home on a34 and managed to get back so was in bed by 0130 and woke up to lots more snow here in Berkshire taken the decision that as a new driver think im gonna sit the rest of this out I dont think im experienced enough to get meself out of trouble and would rather live another day than attempt the roads mabe im a wimp but will be a living wimp so everyone who has more guts than me please take care out there and come home safe !

take care
all the best
Jennie x

not a wimp … you show experience by knowing your limits … good choice i say … :smiley:

Very wise. Well done. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Good Call … :wink:

So Jennie you have about 6" there

We have a bit more here & yep im working tonight just a little 1 down to Leicester & back ( have bout 20" in back garden ) but I do remember riding my bike in the early 80’s in nearly as bad conditions

But as you know your limits very sensible

IMHO, that’s a good call Jenny.

:bulb: There’s no point damaging your reputation (and somebody’s truck) if you’re unsure.

Well been out all day in Taxi and to be fair most of main roads in good nick here but in all the side roads snow has compacted making driving a bit tricky and have spent a fair amount of time wheels spinning when taken someone home but been driving a taxi for 13 years and can handle my car when driving gets tricky, mabe if was driving the HGV for 2 months solid and not just odd day here and there would feel a bit more competent but a lot of difference in tonnage of a car to a truck !!!
Take care on your run to leicester tonight Animal keep safe

Jennie x

Well after al that job was cancelled :cry: was quite looking forward to going out to play although not sure how I would get home :cry: due to not having my car now :frowning: & no buses after 19.00 atm due to weather

Wise choice jennie good saftey shot if your unsure about driveing truck in this weather :sunglasses: Animal keep warm & stay safe, can you get a lift home from someone :bulb: :question:

So trucks don’t get any extra grip due to the weight? or they do until it becomes time to stop?

I’m still waiting to do my artic course around Christmas. Might be interesting but then if the snow does persist I guess I get free skidpan training thrown in :smiley:

Well after al that job was cancelled :cry:r

bonnie lass:
Animal keep warm & stay safe, can you get a lift home from someone :bulb: :question:

May be a read of this

Well i was really lucky last night started to snow an hour from home on a34 and managed to get back so was in bed by 0130 and woke up to lots more snow here in Berkshire taken the decision that as a new driver think im gonna sit the rest of this out I dont think im experienced enough to get meself out of trouble and would rather live another day than attempt the roads mabe im a wimp but will be a living wimp so everyone who has more guts than me please take care out there and come home safe !

take care
all the best
Jennie x

Hi Jennie

Well done you…I have 38 years experience and believe me [zb] can still hapen and I think any one with a brain would rather not be trying to stop 44 ton in this pooo…it’s not where you start in this weather but where you might end up…I have hit a 12foot snow drift in a blizzard and you stop PDQ

Good on ya keep up the good work.

All the best


The Saxmachine:
So trucks don’t get any extra grip due to the weight? or they do until it becomes time to stop?

The weight and the big chunky, well treaded tyres give you an advantage over cars but your weight is also a bad thing when you’re trying to go up or down a hill in icy snow. The worst feeling is when you start to slide backwards. I generally feel a lot happier driving the truck in snow than I do my car, they’ve got a lot more grip than you think and you’ll know when it’s time to really back off, usually the car traffic on the road forces you to crawl through everything anyway. You’ll get stuck when you stop sometimes but it’s just a case of figuring out the tricks to getting going again, lift axles, diff lock, weight transfer (if you have it) etc Rigids are a bit better than artics in my experience, seem to grip a lot better especially on hills.