… r-November
Hope they are wrong … r-November
Hope they are wrong
The article says the information has come from Vantage Weather Services and yet their long range forecast that I’ve linked to seems to differ somewhat from what’s said in the article.
I think it’s called journalistic licence, otherwise known as bull[zb]
November looks to see more evenly balanced weather across the country, with a lessening degree of rainfall nationwide. Apart perhaps from the far north west, most areas should see a mix of dry, bright, and sunny weather, with a decreased amount of wet and windy conditions. Temperatures late month may well induce some early snow across the hills of Scotland and to the north of England. Towards the middle and latter part of the month under clear skies, frost activity can be expected, leading to chilly, bright, and crisp autumnal days. On balance, rainfall is expected to come in below the average for the majority of areas, with temperatures reflecting the norm.
The Canadians can cope with it and life carrys on as normal there.When i lived in Michigan, you could plug the car to an engine heater.
Why do learner drivers never get to practice in the snow and ice in the UK?
If you want to get to work,buy a house near a hospital as they have to keep the road open and clear.
In bad weather trucks should be allowed to use lane three on motorways.When traffic is getting stuck in lanes one and two.
I hope they are right, 4x4, all terrain tyres= playtime.
Who cares? People in Scandinavia can live with snowy roads, so can not be difficult.
I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s impossible to predict further than two weeks IMO, any more than that is just speculation. Mother Nature will do what she wants!
this should make you feel a little better
The likes of the Express, Mail etc bring these headlines this time every year probably need to fill a few column inches and gives them a chance to bring out that picture of a snowy field, they’ll run it again in early January. They also like to run the wettest, hottest or driest summer predicted.
Of course when you read the article it does say possibility of some snow on Scottish highlands, snow in the highlands on Scotland in winter shocker.
Wish I’d read the whole thread I’ve just been out and panic bought all my winter essentials- 50 bottles of vodka, 400 cans of red bull, 10 bottles of vape juice (smoking substitute), a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine for her indoors.
Wish I’d read the whole thread I’ve just been out and panic bought all my winter essentials- 50 bottles of vodka, 400 cans of red bull, 10 bottles of vape juice (smoking substitute), a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine for her indoors.
Blimey ! You Generous thing you !
A bottle of wine for ‘er indoors’ ?
Lady ‘V’ gets a small bottle of J20 & that’s only if it’s on offer !
(don’t want her getting too drunk while she’s clearing the drive !)
FFS! It’s the Daily Express, they roll out this headline every year, along with “hottest summer” “wettest summer” “house prices to rocket” and lots of Diana ones as well.
If you believe the Express then I can only offer pity…