What do you make of this ?
(spotted it on a FB group)
Looks good but I have my doubts.
rud.com/en/products/snow-cha … ogrip.html
This is another similar one which seems to have some good reviews
Used to see Skandanavian trucks with this system on when in Turkey 40 years ago.
Hi all.As BB said these type of chains have been about for many years.They are mainly used for distribution trucks and trucks with timed delivery.They used to be very popular with the Dutch flower and veg trucks for helping with grip just for a few hundred meters to avoid fitting chains or to help getting up hills when people start sliding.
I’m in Canada, never chained up yet, these would be the only type I’d use.
They also discourage people from hanging on to the axles,very useful.
Never seen 'em before, I’ve led a sheltered life eh
They came out in the 70’s
On Spot. Very popular here on distribution trucks, also seen them on a lot of buses. Fire trucks also have them. They are not a replacement for chains but very helpful to get you going.
Autosocks, naah, use light chains instead then, they are more than enough in 99% of the cases and they work on ice to.