Snoring drivers

If you feel drowsy while driving it may be due to snoring that you can not hear, but it will disturb the sleep.I have got one of these Snore Wizards, it is a rubber mouth piece, like a gum shield that rugby players wear.
It pushes the jaw to stop the snoring.If you sleep alone in a sleeper cab snoring will wake you up.It aches for a while until you get used to it, the teeth and jaw ache a bit.About £44.

You forgot the BBC caveat…“other expensive,jaw ache inducing bits of plastic are available”

I find a bottle of red vino has me sleeping all night no problem…Even when she who must be obeyed Snores at full volume .

(Tin hat firmly on if she reads this) but she is the World champion.

3 wheeler:
I find a bottle of red vino has me sleeping all night no problem…Even when she who must be obeyed Snores at full volume .

(Tin hat firmly on if she reads this) but she is the World champion.

I have the same problem if she falls asleep before me I’ve ■■■■ it!.

3 wheeler:
I find a bottle of red vino has me sleeping all night no problem…Even when she who must be obeyed Snores at full volume .

(Tin hat firmly on if she reads this) but she is the World champion.

“If you sleep alone in a sleeper cab” :wink:


3 wheeler:
I find a bottle of red vino has me sleeping all night no problem…Even when she who must be obeyed Snores at full volume .

(Tin hat firmly on if she reads this) but she is the World champion.

“If you sleep alone in a sleeper cab” :wink:

Missed that bit, but my comment still stands as she used to travel with me occasionally !

3 wheeler:


3 wheeler:
I find a bottle of red vino has me sleeping all night no problem…Even when she who must be obeyed Snores at full volume .

(Tin hat firmly on if she reads this) but she is the World champion.

“If you sleep alone in a sleeper cab” :wink:

Missed that bit, but my comment still stands as she used to travel with me occasionally !

Seriously though - booze may make you drowsy, and even make it easier to remain asleep when your partner snores etc - but the quality of said sleep is likely to be very poor indeed.

Try sleeping on your front :wink:

I snore loud but I’ve rarely woke myself up…

Try getting to sleep on the ferry if you end up sharing a cabin with somebody who snores and keeps you awake most of the night. :imp:

Ditch the poxy mouth guard / shield. I had one for sleep apnoea a few years ago and I still suffer the consequences. It’s rooted my jaw joint so that I’ve now got a clicky and sore joint. Whenever I open me gob to take a mouthful of grub or start chewing, everyone around me can hear it and I can bloody feel it. If you’ve been diagnosed with apnoea, get yourself a portable CPAP (constant positive air pressure) machine. It might save a life. Getting one was the only reason I kept my licence after being diagnosed. Felt a lot better for it too, no nodding off at lunch time.


3 wheeler:
I find a bottle of red vino has me sleeping all night no problem…Even when she who must be obeyed Snores at full volume .

(Tin hat firmly on if she reads this) but she is the World champion.

I have the same problem if she falls asleep before me I’ve [zb] it!.

I rest my case 3.45am I’m ready to ■■■■■ kill her!.

it’s 2:45 mate lol. Just pyt the old fella in while she’s catching flies that will stop the snoring!

Oh yeah lol I’d be able to tell the time if I could get some ■■■■■ sleep! I don’t know about putting the old fella In I think I’d get more pleasure out off sticking my fist in her gob! I’m retreating to the sofa.

Sleep apnea is common with drivers and certain neck widths due to being over weight.The breathing stops for a few seconds but Dvla need to be informed if you have apnea.