Snooper s7000 in vehicle power adaptor

Don’t suppose anyone has a spare they are willing to sell, been waiting now for nine weeks for snooper to get some in. All they say is they are awaiting a shipment from Korea :imp: Terrible customer service. Thanks.

Any of these help? … &_from=R40

I have the snooper 2500 and I am sure the charger is the same as my old tomtom charger.

Any of these help? … &_from=R40

I have the snooper 2500 and I am sure the charger is the same as my old tomtom charger.

Cheers, I have thought about going down the cheaper options but have been there before, the cheap copies don’t seem to last five minutes. Thanks. Still may have to go down this route though ( reluctantly). A sat nav is no good without the charger, and no tv either :cry:

Try the tomtom charger, in fact I might have an old one in my cab, cant promise but if I have its yours for a small charity donation if this forum has a charity :wink:
I will let you know tomorrow night.