If you travelling in or out of Grimsby, towards/away from Louth on the A16, you might want to know that the speed scamera partnership for the area, have mounted some covert specs cameras on lamp posts from the traffic lights in the town centre, next to the B&Q, to the de-restriction zone, about a mile away.
They’re not the normal type you would see on yellow posts on motorways, and although they have yellow heads, you have to search to find them. Also look on the roads for the zone lines, and you’ll know you are next to a one.
There are no warning signs, but if you were coming out of the B&Q to turn either left or right, there is one sign facing you saying Average Speed Cameras. This not visible to those running up or down the A16.
Take up a simple philosophy - don’t speed so no need to be concerned with them
Apart from when I was young and foolish I have not been concerned with speed enforcement for nearly 30 years and I have no idea where any are local to me
If you travelling in or out of Grimsby, towards/away from Louth on the A16, you might want to know that the speed scamera partnership for the area, have mounted some covert specs cameras on lamp posts from the traffic lights in the town centre, next to the B&Q, to the de-restriction zone, about a mile away.
They’re not the normal type you would see on yellow posts on motorways, and although they have yellow heads, you have to search to find them. Also look on the roads for the zone lines, and you’ll know you are next to a one.
There are no warning signs, but if you were coming out of the B&Q to turn either left or right, there is one sign facing you saying Average Speed Cameras. This not visible to those running up or down the A16.
The speed limit is 30mph.
There not really covert are they, they are visible, and there are warning signs of there presence.
Drivers that ignore warning signs, are the ones that are moaning on pepipoo because they think they are hard done by because they got caught!
The home office don’t approve covert speed cameras, and all the ones that were covert have been removed.
Of course none of you 3 have EVER crept over the speed limit have you?
Wish we could all be as perfect.
Speed cameras etc do not do anyone for going slightly over the limit
If a driver goes over the limit more than slightly then I would say they are driving without due care and attention because they are not concentrating which is worse than speeding