Smoking in public

If the law was to change and the govermment banned smoking in public how would this effect you. Could you still smoke in your cab IE if you was sitting at traffic lights with the window down would this be classed as smoking in public and the same if you was in your car. I don,t smoke in my car because my wife don,t like it but I did smoke in the cab when I was driving. And what about if you don,t have the same cab every day would the outher drivers be able to complain about you ?

As I understand it smoking will soon be banned in wagons anyway when they ban smoking in the work place. :confused:

I don’t think that they will be able to ban smoking in your wagon. As I see it, yes it is your workplace, but in their definition of workplace I believe they are meaning where you are working with other people. Obviously, the majority of your time in the wagon you are on your own, so there isn’t anyone to complain about it.

Personally as a non smoker, i dont mind others smoking in a vehicle which i have to drive so long as they’re considerate.
I’ve been given vehicles to drive that you litterally have to sweep the ash and butts out of the cab just so you can see the speedo and so it doesnt obstuct the pedals, i’ve also had others that stank so badly it made you heave as soon as you opened the door. Another the seatbelt was plastered in ash.
On the other hand i used to share a van with a smoker, it was always clean and tidy in the cab and never smelt too much at all. Just a question of being considerate.

Unfortunatly the inconsiderate ones who leave the cab looking and feeling like an ash tray will bugger it up for the rest of you. At the end of the day if anyone was to complain about ash, buts, stink then the boss is just going to ban smoking in the cab.

Technically if employees wanted a ban on smoking in the cab the law exists to do it now HASAWA covers the hygeine of working areas. Smoking residue can cause respiratory irritation to others and there will always be a certain degree of fine ash (dust) It would also apply to those who leave the half eaten packs of chips laying on the floor and who throw the crusts of their butties behind the seat!

As to whether they will ban you smoking in your cab specifically then it depends on the wording of a ‘public place’ if it’s a public place meaning anywhere the public has free access then a cab is obviously private.
How they define ‘workplace’ could also cause you problems, they may say something along the lines of a place of work or workstation where you spend more than X number of hours, a vehicle would come into that.

Simple answer is give up, it’s better for your health and a hell of a lot cheaper! :laughing:

I believe smoking will be banned in cabs and cars in the very near future, not on the smoking in public law, but on the same laws as using mobiles, eating apples and kitkats and playing with yourself at the wheel!

It is already banned in Norway and Germany have a ban on smoking while driving ADR goods.

As usual we will enforce the law while the rest of Europe continue to do as they like :stuck_out_tongue:

Go to Iraq
you can smoke there without trouble

There EU moves afoot to ban smoking when driving :imp: although when it will be brought in is anyones guess.

They also have eating and drinking bans and i still do that .
There is also phone driving bans and thousands of people still do that , i still use mine albeit hands free or ona daft headphone thing .
Probably get brought in but people will choose to ignore it …
If anything the stench of ciggys in a truck does not bother me , what does r bother me is full ashtrays and rubbish slewn about …

I once asked my girlfriend if she smoked after ■■■…she said she never noticed… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
on the thread…there too is a ban whilst driving an ADR vehicle in this country
bus drivers are also forbidden to smoke…(in london anyway)
i smoke and will be reluctant to stop…these eurocrats are taking it a bit too far for my liking…and i will disobey them…i respect the no smoking rule on others premises…likewise in other peoples houses…but no one is gonna stop me from smoking in the cab…or at the side of the road…and if my local banned smoking…then i will go somewhere else…nuff said…time for a ■■■… :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
and playing with yourself at the wheel!

It is already banned in Norway

I bet theres a lot of ■■■■■ Norwegians out there then, i cant believe they are going to ban playing with yourself at the wheel, i hope they dont ban it in public places too :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

I think smoking should be banned everywhere and the sale of cigarettes banned too ( i stopped on the 15th of August this year).

Have to agree with dennisw1’s first bit. As a non-smoker meself it doesn’t bother me what other smoker’s are doing. I’ve no problem with them smoking near me as long as they are considerate and don’t blow the smoke in my face and don’t smoke near me when I’m eating a meal as I think that’s a bit rude.


Rob K:
as long as they are considerate and don’t blow the smoke in my face and don’t smoke near me when I’m eating a meal as I think that’s a bit rude.


That’s what I keep telling the wife. Has no effect though :cry: :cry: .
Perhaps she can’t hear me with all that coughing racket going on :unamused: .

Salut, David.

I don’t think that they will be able to ban smoking in your wagon.

Don’t be smoking in your truck next time your in Ireland penfold the way they have it worded over here is an enclosed work place.
Winding your window down don’t count drivers have tried that one.

P.S. do you always drive the unit with 6018 on the locker box I’ve seen your whole fleet by now but no sign of you yet.

When I was tramping in 97 (ish) we were brought home one night per week, every 3-4 weeks or so, as there were a few night men employed. I hated it when a smoker had had my cab and then I was expected to carry on living in there for the rest of the week and beyond.

I challenged them with ‘public working place’ theory, stating that I couldn’t be made to work in a smokey environment etc etc. I wasn’t getting anywhere at first so if a smoker had had my truck, I wouldn’t do anymore nights out until I had had chance to take my bedding, spare clothes and cab curtains home and washed them. Becoming a day man for a few days kinda put a spanner in their works and their plans.

I’m not a ‘militant’ but of the 12 night men, 2 were non-smokers and so the chance of the cab being a smoke-free-zone after being used for nights were quite slim.

Determination on my part and the mention of a union representative that wanted to speak with them got things eventually sorted.

I am a reformed smoker (not had a ■■■ for the last 21 years!) but even when I was, I was ‘considerate’. I don’t believe that anyone should be put in a position where they have to breathe-in unwanted smoke or live in a smokey environment. I know some of the new legislation is a bit OTT but there are so many smokers out there who simply don’t know the meaning of the word ‘consideration’ that I feel these controls were were/are inevitable.

I am a reformed smoker (not had a ■■■ for the last 21 years!) but even when I was, I was ‘considerate’. I don’t believe that anyone should be put in a position where they have to breathe-in unwanted smoke or live in a smokey environment. I know some of the new legislation is a bit OTT but there are so many smokers out there who simply don’t know the meaning of the word ‘consideration’ that I feel these controls were were/are inevitable.

It’s been about 30 odd years for me and I agree with every word of that. A bit of consideration isn’t too much to ask for.

Salut, David.

Dont worry about it the next prime minister is a smoker so he might just tell Europe to stuff it…