Smoking ban again

Sorry for bringing this up again but I got this yesterday & was wondering if this is the route all transport companies will take?

at Argos Magna Park i was asked if i was asmoker or not it appears non smokers get non smoking trucks

good idea ban it i say :smiley:

It’s not that bad m8,you will get used to it.I smoke but it don’t bother me not smoking in the cab,just wish the night shift would do the same.Dhl have banned smoking in all their vehicles (including company cars) and all their depots in Scotland.They will be doing the same in England next year. :wink:

I smoke, but not in my own or company car

I’m not a heavy smoker & only rarely smoke in the cab so it won’t really bother me but…

I still think it’s overkill. I totally agree with no smoking in any area where there are non smokers subjected to drifting smoke… offices, restaurants, cinemas, if you have a passenger, even pubs but if a truck has stood for a night where is the passive smoking threat? Sure it may not smell very nice to a non smoker but that isn’t a health hazard is it?

I’m pretty sure you can’t get cancer from a nasty smell! If you can my wife’s in serious trouble after curry night.

I am a non smoker but i total disagree
with this idiotic ruleing from the EU
who is going to pay the loss of
revenue from the tax ,YES you have
it in one all tax payers will end up
haveing more tax taken from their wages
to make up the loss for the goverment,

This is fascism it must be fought, they are taking away the basic freedoms your fathers and grandfathers fought na world war for.
After this happensthey will be able to encroach on any of your freedoms, this the first the freedomof choice, next will bethe freedom of speech. Then after that they will try and control your thoughts.
Don’t laugh it may sound like a ranting idiot, it is just the start of a series of laws to control every aspect of your lives.
Next are I.D. cards with biometric information on it they will be able to monitor your every move and tell you what to do and when to do it.
Believe me it’s coming, the system is getting bigger to big it is invoved in everything we do.
Tony Blairis a fascist dictator and if he gets in one more term this country will be no better than ■■■■ Germany

This is fascism it must be fought, they are taking away the basic freedoms your fathers and grandfathers fought na world war for.

Amen to that and good for you airhorn98 for saying it. It needed to be said.


The big problem is going to come with firms like ours. We have 30 trucks, 29 of which are inhabited by trampers BUT there are 2 regular night men who drive whatever happens to be in the yard that night. If we go sick or on holiday the wagons are also used by a mixture of casual drivers, the very occaisional agency bod, and anyone who’s wagon’s in for MOT or broken down.

Strictly speaking, then, all the trucks should be non-smoking just in case. Be fun to see how they try and enforce it though. :open_mouth:

This is fascism it must be fought, they are taking away the basic freedoms your fathers and grandfathers fought na world war for.
After this happensthey will be able to encroach on any of your freedoms, this the first the freedomof choice, next will bethe freedom of speech. Then after that they will try and control your thoughts.
Don’t laugh it may sound like a ranting idiot, it is just the start of a series of laws to control every aspect of your lives.
Next are I.D. cards with biometric information on it they will be able to monitor your every move and tell you what to do and when to do it.
Believe me it’s coming, the system is getting bigger to big it is invoved in everything we do.
Tony Blairis a fascist dictator and if he gets in one more term this country will be no better than ■■■■ Germany

Irrespective of the ‘rights or wrongs’ of the smoking ban . . . . . . the above post is worthy of the label ‘Drama Queen!’ :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes, it has to be one of the severest cases of “Godwinning” I have seen in a long while!

Strictly speaking, then, all the trucks should be non-smoking just in case.

What an excellent idea!! :laughing: :laughing: In my totally unbiased opinion, of course!

Be fun to see how they try and enforce it though. :open_mouth:

Simple!! Fit a tamper proof, sensitive smoke alarm that would give out the same ear-piercing shrill that we get in our house most times when Mrs Tandy is cooking!! :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


This is fascism it must be fought, they are taking away the basic freedoms your fathers and grandfathers fought na world war for.
After this happensthey will be able to encroach on any of your freedoms, this the first the freedomof choice, next will bethe freedom of speech. Then after that they will try and control your thoughts.
Don’t laugh it may sound like a ranting idiot, it is just the start of a series of laws to control every aspect of your lives.
Next are I.D. cards with biometric information on it they will be able to monitor your every move and tell you what to do and when to do it.
Believe me it’s coming, the system is getting bigger to big it is invoved in everything we do.
Tony Blairis a fascist dictator and if he gets in one more term this country will be no better than ■■■■ Germany

Irrespective of the ‘rights or wrongs’ of the smoking ban . . . . . . the above post is worthy of the label ‘Drama Queen!’ :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Marcus wether your joking or not I do not know or care.
If you don’t smoke it will probably not affect you but if you do it will affect you badly and every other smoker who lives in his cab from Monday to Friday.
They will not be able to smoke in their temporary home not even at night when they are relaxing watching TV.
Not when they’re stuck in a traffic jam for a couple of hours.
Not even owner drivers who own their cabs.
It has not happened in England yet but it will, we have had it in Scotland since the 26th March this year and they made a big thing about not smoking in company vehicles and most operators are only too happy to abide by the law, to the point that they will sack you for smoking in the cab.

It’s not just drivers who are affected, not long after the ban an 86 year old who fought in the last world war, who every day went to his local pub at lunch tme to see a couple of mates and have a couple of nips fell and died after going outside for a ciggarette. Now he was one of those people who fought against the ■■■■’s to give you your freedom.
Your probably thinking so what, but if it wasn’t for him and the hundreds of thousands that joined him in that war to beat fascism we would not be able to sit here and debate whatever we want whenever we want. If you want to know what it would have been like get to know someone from the old East Germany and ask them what fascism is like.

You may be thinking what a nice man Tony Blair is he as got a nice smile he 's making prmises of a better quality of life, maybe he will deliver but it will be at a price the first not being to light up when or where you want within reason.

Next it will be alchohol or certain types of food or you won’t be able to breath in certain areas. What about holidays you will only be able to take them when they say you can and only go to places they let you.

Don’t be blind to the fact that new labour are fascists and want to control the very way you live.

Yes, it has to be one of the severest cases of “Godwinning” I have seen in a long while!

You should change your name idiot, him and George W are responsible for the continuing war in irsrael insted of peace talks they are supplying weapons

I believe that the wars that are going on in the middle east at the moment are not what they seem, America wnts to contorl oil it is the biggest user of it.

You carry on believing we are living in a free country, but when they start encroaching on one of your freedoms don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Fascism is happening you can stop it but you’ve got to take your blinkers off.


Strictly speaking, then, all the trucks should be non-smoking just in case.

What an excellent idea!! :laughing: :laughing: In my totally unbiased opinion, of course!

Be fun to see how they try and enforce it though. :open_mouth:

Simple!! Fit a tamper proof, sensitive smoke alarm that would give out the same ear-piercing shrill that we get in our house most times when Mrs Tandy is cooking!! :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

All fair enough in trucks which are only used for day/night shifts, but we are to all intents and purposes talking about my HOME!!!

I’ll just get raped and stabbed standing outside for a ciggy in the middle of the night then shall I?

This is fascism it must be fought, they are taking away the basic freedoms your fathers and grandfathers fought na world war for.
After this happensthey will be able to encroach on any of your freedoms, this the first the freedomof choice, next will bethe freedom of speech. Then after that they will try and control your thoughts.
Don’t laugh it may sound like a ranting idiot, it is just the start of a series of laws to control every aspect of your lives.
Next are I.D. cards with biometric information on it they will be able to monitor your every move and tell you what to do and when to do it.
Believe me it’s coming, the system is getting bigger to big it is invoved in everything we do.
Tony Blairis a fascist dictator and if he gets in one more term this country will be no better than ■■■■ Germany

And if you keep talking like that you’ll be investigated on “terrorism charges”?!!


This is fascism it must be fought, they are taking away the basic freedoms your fathers and grandfathers fought na world war for.
After this happensthey will be able to encroach on any of your freedoms, this the first the freedomof choice, next will bethe freedom of speech. Then after that they will try and control your thoughts.
Don’t laugh it may sound like a ranting idiot, it is just the start of a series of laws to control every aspect of your lives.
Next are I.D. cards with biometric information on it they will be able to monitor your every move and tell you what to do and when to do it.
Believe me it’s coming, the system is getting bigger to big it is invoved in everything we do.
Tony Blairis a fascist dictator and if he gets in one more term this country will be no better than ■■■■ Germany

Irrespective of the ‘rights or wrongs’ of the smoking ban . . . . . . the above post is worthy of the label ‘Drama Queen!’ :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t know so much, i thought it was spot on apart from the “■■■■” bit.

Marcus wether your joking or not I do not know or care.
If you don’t smoke it will probably not affect you but if you do it will affect you badly and every other smoker who lives in his cab from Monday to Friday.
They will not be able to smoke in their temporary home not even at night when they are relaxing watching TV.
Not when they’re stuck in a traffic jam for a couple of hours.
Not even owner drivers who own their cabs.
It has not happened in England yet but it will, we have had it in Scotland since the 26th March this year and they made a big thing about not smoking in company vehicles and most operators are only too happy to abide by the law, to the point that they will sack you for smoking in the cab.

It’s not just drivers who are affected, not long after the ban an 86 year old who fought in the last world war, who every day went to his local pub at lunch tme to see a couple of mates and have a couple of nips fell and died after going outside for a ciggarette. Now he was one of those people who fought against the ■■■■’s to give you your freedom.
Your probably thinking so what, but if it wasn’t for him and the hundreds of thousands that joined him in that war to beat fascism we would not be able to sit here and debate whatever we want whenever we want. If you want to know what it would have been like get to know someone from the old East Germany and ask them what fascism is like.

You may be thinking what a nice man Tony Blair is he as got a nice smile he 's making prmises of a better quality of life, maybe he will deliver but it will be at a price the first not being to light up when or where you want within reason.

Next it will be alchohol or certain types of food or you won’t be able to breath in certain areas. What about holidays you will only be able to take them when they say you can and only go to places they let you.

Don’t be blind to the fact that new labour are fascists and want to control the very way you live.

Yes, it has to be one of the severest cases of “Godwinning” I have seen in a long while!

You should change your name idiot, him and George W are responsible for the continuing war in irsrael insted of peace talks they are supplying weapons

I believe that the wars that are going on in the middle east at the moment are not what they seem, America wnts to contorl oil it is the biggest user of it.

You carry on believing we are living in a free country, but when they start encroaching on one of your freedoms don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Fascism is happening you can stop it but you’ve got to take your blinkers off.

Amen to that,spot on.

I’ll just get raped and stabbed standing outside for a ciggy in the middle of the night then shall I?

Hey, the guys in Ireland and Scotland have to run that gauntlet every night!

I don’t smoke but I disagree with the ban here in Scotland. If I did still smoke, I’d just stop every twenty minutes for a well deserved ■■■ break (just tell transport you simply can’t go without for longer than that).

No they don’t Mike. The Irish have sensibly exempted sleeper cabs from the ban, and the Scots don’t appear to be enforcing it on trampers, according to the drivers I have spoken to. We do a LOT of Scottish work and have the stickers in our cabs required by law up there. Only been pulled up on it once though, and that was in a distillery at Leven where they told me that even they didn’t care once the curtains were shut (I got stuck on their premises overnight).