
Any body know anything about smeets transport at Ipswich

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Nothing much apart from the fact they seem to go everywhere at 5mph below the speed limit. They also take at least 3 times longer than anyone else when going on / off any dock or security post.

They run in/out of Immingham a lot too.

Never ever go behind one in a queue.

Get used to LHD mercs on UK plates, and weekending at Immingham truck park. And don’t ■■■■ the planners off.

Get used to LHD mercs on UK plates, and weekending at Immingham truck park. And don’t ■■■■ the planners off.

That’s a change from RHD Volvos on Bulgarian plates… :grimacing:

Get used to LHD mercs on UK plates, and weekending at Immingham truck park. And don’t ■■■■ the planners off.

Isn’t that the most fun thing to do to a planer !

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blue estate:

Get used to LHD mercs on UK plates, and weekending at Immingham truck park. And don’t ■■■■ the planners off.

Isn’t that the most fun thing to do to a planer !

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Was called out to one, some air leak around 5am one morning… Planner rang it through as the driver didn’t speak English.

Go to location given, not there, confirm with the gate house that it’s left site and rung the planner up.

He puts me on hold, but I can here him calling the driver… my God, I didn’t understand the language, but he was tearing him a new ■■■■■■■■… Slammed the phone down, and politely explains that the driver has fixed it. And didn’t up date him…and was sorry for wasting my time.

Plot twist. Met a colleague at the yard 1hr later, he has been called to the said trailer at the m180, air leak…