Small usb style socket mercedes arocs

So work has got two mercedes arocs on 64 and 65 plates. They have a socket next to the aux socket that looks like micro usb. So I bought a micro usb and it doesnt fit. The pins in the socket are too big and also look plastic and black. Does anyone know what wire I need please?

I believe they use a Mini or Micro HDMi to Standard USB or Standard HDMi

I bluetooth all my music/films etc.

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I’m driving a 2015 Merc dustcart usually (we have 18/19 plates too but I prefer the older high cabs to the bus style ones).

They have several standard USB sockets but I also end to just Bluetooth it all. The stereo is cracking for a truck too! Lots of bass and separate tweeters in door frame. The new ones have crap stereos (not sure if just lower spec or if it’s standard to the model).

Wheel Nut:
I believe they use a Mini or Micro HDMi to Standard USB or Standard HDMi

just get an adapter from ebay for £2-00.
remember its a chinese who made it so covid rules apply… :laughing: